CSV Import Guidelines

Currently System Administration content is relevant to Planning & Self-Study and limited Student Learning & Licensure admins.

System Administration Import Guide

Once core data files are properly formatted according to the guidelines stipulated in this article, they can be imported in bulk. For more information on this process, please see the resource linked HERE

In order to use System Administration to the fullest, your institution will provide data from your student information (SIS) or learning management system (LMS) on a regular basis. Uploading data at least twice a month ensures that you have the most up-to-date information in your Watermark product(s).
This article explains exactly what data should be loaded from your SIS or LMS.


File Specifications

The import supports the .csv UTF-8 file type. In order to import the file, click Save As, then select CSV UTF-8.



  • All files must have the correct file extension. 
  • All fields must be in the header row of each upload.
  • Optional fields may be left blank, but all fields in this document and the sample files must be included in the headers. 

Some imports are required and some are optional. See the table below for required (in bold) versus optional, as well as the sequence they should be loaded.

Click the CSV import type in the left column for explanations of the requirements for each import (organized by file name).


Handling Special Characters in CSV Imports

Planning & Self-Study*

CSV Import Required or Optional Recommended Frequency of Updating
1. Organizations Required One time import
2. Programs Required Update as programs are added or removed
3. People Required Needs to be reviewed each new term
4. Terms
Required for course level assessment;
recommended for program level
Can build out a year in advance
5. Courses Required Needs to be reviewed each term
6. Sections
Required for course level assessment;
optional for program level assessment
Needs to be reviewed each term
7. Enrollments
Required only if using “faculty email
method” for collecting measure results
Needs to be reviewed each term
8. Basic Person Attributes N/A N/A
9. Student Term Attributes N/A N/A

10. Program Curriculum

Required Needs to be reviewed each term

11. Cohort Enrollments

 *The chart above shows data that are required by the Planning & Self Study platform itself. For information on files required for clients intending to use the Advanced Canvas integration with Planning & Self Study, please click HERE

Student Learning & Licensure 

CSV Import Required or Optional Recommended Frequency of Updating
1. Organizations Required One time import
2. Programs

Required if using Gateways

Optional if not using Gateways

Update as programs are added or removed
3. People Required Needs to be reviewed each new term
4. Terms
Can build out any time in advance
5. Courses Required Update as courses are added or removed
6. Sections
Needs to be reviewed each term
7. Enrollments
Needs to be reviewed each term
8. Basic Person Attributes Optional, but required if using any reporting Needs to be reviewed each term
9. Student Term Attributes Optional, but required if using any reporting Needs to be reviewed each term

10.Program Curriculum

Required if using Gateways

Optional if not using Gateways

Needs to be reviewed each term

11. Cohort Enrollments

Required if using Gateways

Optional if not using Gateways

Needs to be reviewed each term




Explanations of the requirements for each CSV import can be found below (organized by file name).


1. File: organizations.csv

The hierarchy of Organizations serves as an organizing structure for all users, courses, and product workflows. The hierarchy is also responsible for organizational security so that users assigned to a specific area of the hierarchy only have editing privileges for their respective area. For example, a Planning & Self-Study Administrator for the College of Business is only able to create plans, manage users, and enter data for the College of Business and all departments within the College of Business. Your Product Consultant can help you think strategically about how to best build your hierarchy. The organization hierarchy typically reflects an institution's College and Departmental structure as found in their Student Information System, i.e. Banner, Peoplesoft, etc. The Organizations Import spreadsheet is only completed once. Once the hierarchy is created, accounts can be assigned to various levels of the hierarchy to provide access to various levels within the hierarchy.
NOTE: An organization in the hierarchy cannot be removed from the user interface or import at this time. Other updates such as changing the organization name or parent can be made in the import as long as the same organization code is provided. Changes can also be made from the user interface, including the organization code.


Explanation: Name of the Division, Department, College, or School

Example: College of Business

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255,

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required

Note: Name must be unique among all Organizations and Programs. 



Explanation: Abbreviated code value which represents the organization’s name; often the department code in the student information system

Example: The code for the College of Business could be “COB”

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required

Note: Code must be unique among all Organizations and Programs. 



Explanation: Type of unit

Accepted Values: “Center”, ”College”, “Department”, ”Division”, ”Institute”, “School”, ”Unit”

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required



Explanation: Value used for assigning parent or child relationship

Example: Say the code for the College of Business is “COB”. The parent_code for the Marketing Department (nested within the College of Business) is COB.

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Required


2. File: programs.csv

Programs are often the academic programs of study or majors that are offered by the Institution. They can be assigned a sponsoring organization, which enhances the hierarchy for product workflows. The Programs Import spreadsheet is usually completed once and updated periodically as programs are created or revised.
NOTE: A program cannot be removed from the user interface or import at this time. Other updates such as changing the program name or sponsoring organization can be made in the import as long as the same program code is provided. Changes can also be made from the user interface, including the program code.


Explanation: Name of the Program

Example: BS Marketing

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required

Note: Name must be unique among all Organizations and Programs.



Explanation: Abbreviated code value which represents the program’s name; often the program or major code in the student information system

Example: The code for the College of Business could be “COB”

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required

Note: Code must be unique among all Organizations and Programs.



Explanation: The code assigned to the program as per the Classification of Instructional Programs which can be found on the National Center for Education Statistics website, https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode/browse.aspx?y=55.

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Optional



Explanation: Value used for assigning parent or child relationship

Example: Say the code for the Marketing Department  is “DMKTG”. The sponsoring_organization_code for the BS Marketing program  (nested within the Marketing Department) is DMKTG.

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Required

Note: Programs cannot be the parent of another program

3. File: people.csv

Institutional System Administrators will create and manage accounts for all users. Account creation is required before they can assign roles or permissions (e.g. leads in Planning & Self-Study). We suggest that you include faculty, staff, and all individuals who require access to the Watermark platform. Your people file may also include students and instructors who are enrolled in course sections. Before importing the people file please check that all organizations exist in the database. If needed you may want to perform an organizations file import prior to importing people.


Explanation: Account Owner’s Institutional Email Address

Example: rsmith@university.edu

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255.

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required



Explanation: Account Owner's Last Name

Example: Smith or Rodriguez

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, $, %, ^, &, =, { }, ', comma, ?, _, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: E

Import Status: Required



Explanation: Account Owner's First Name

Example: Robert or Mary Jean

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below.

`,~, !, $, %, ^, &, =, { }, ', comma, ?, _, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required



Explanation: This value must match the code provided in the organizations import file.

Example: COB for the College of Business

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: F

Import Status: Required



Explanation: A role authorizes a user with permission to one or more Watermark products

Planning & Self-Study

For Planning & Self-Study there are two roles - Administrator or Contributor. A user may have multiple roles for this product. 

Example: PSS_Administrator or PSS_Contributor

Student Learning & Licensure

For Student Learning & Licensure there are three roles - Administrator, Faculty, or Student.

A user may have only one role for this product.

Example: SLL_Administrator or SLL_Faculty or SLL_Student

Insights Hub

For Insights Hub there are two roles - Administrator or Contributor. A user may have multiple roles for this product.

Example: IH_Administrator (or “IH_Admin” is also acceptable) or IH_Contributor


Format: If multiple roles* are supplied for a user, use a | (pipe). e.g. PSS_Administrator|PSS_Contributor

*(Please note that a user can only have a single Role in Student Learning & Licensure)

Sample file column: G

Import Status: Optional



Explanation: Account Owner's Middle Name

Example: Janet or Michael

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, $, %, ^, &, =, { }, ', comma, ?, _, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Optional



Explanation: ID from the SIS that is usually stored on both students, staff, and faculty

Example: 495960 or zt594034

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below.

`,~, !, $, %, ^, &, =, { }, ', comma, ?, _, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required

Note: This field is the unique identifier for each user. Updates to user
accounts will occur based on the value provided for Person_ID. Person_ID is
NOT case sensitive.


4. File: terms.csv

The term file creates terms. Terms are used to align course sections to their corresponding term. When importing a Terms.csv file you can create new terms and/or update existing terms in the database.
(Please note that formatting changes in Excel will be reversed if you open the file after saving it with the desired formatted changes.)


Explanation:  The name of the term

Example: Spring 2019

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, $, %, ^, &, =, { }, ', comma, ?, _, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required

NOTE: Must be unique in the system.



Explanation: Start date for the term

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required



Explanation: End date for the term

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required



Explanation: abbreviated code for term name

Example: SP2019 or 202120

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, $, %, ^, &, =, { }, ', comma, ?, _, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Required

NOTE: Must be unique in the system. When updating existing terms changes will occur based on term_id value.


5. File: courses.csv

The courses file creates courses that are typically outlined in a course catalog. When importing a courses file, you can create new courses or update existing courses in the database. Each course must be affiliated with an existing sponsoring organization using the organization code. Before importing courses, please check that all necessary organizations exist in the database.


Explanation: The course subject code and course number

Example: EDUC 101

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required.

NOTE: Must be unique in the system. This is the value that represents the course in the SIS and course catalogs for institutions. (Example: EDU 101, BUS 320, MGT 430). When updating existing courses changes will occur based on catalog_code value.


Explanation: Name of the course

Example: Introduction to Education

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required



Note: Per current functionality, the organization_code can be any organizational unit.
Note to P&SS Clients: Program curriculum alignment to your courses will be completed during Design and Build Meeting #1 with your Product Consultant.

Explanation: Level of the organization hierarchy in which the course will reside.

Example: COB for the College of Business

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required

NOTE: Must match an existing organization code.


Explanation: The course subject code for the course

Example: EDUC

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Optional.


Explanation: The course number for the course

Example: 101

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: E

Import Status: Optional.


Explanation: The course description for the course, usually articulated in the course catalog.

Example: In this course students will learn the theory and methodologies of ...

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: F

Import Status: Optional.

Note: Currently text cannot contain a comma. We plan to fix this in a future release.


Explanation: The number of credits for passing the course, usually articulated in the course catalog.

Example: 3

Field Type and Length: Float4 (number)

Sample file column: G

Import Status: Optional.


Explanation: The code assigned to the course as per the Classification of Instructional Programs which can be found on the National Center for Education Statistics website, https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode/browse.aspx?y=55.

Sample file column: H

Import Status: Optional


6. File: sections.csv  

The Sections file creates sections of each course. When importing a sections file, you can create new course sections or update existing course sections in the database. Each imported section must be associated with an existing course using the course catalog code from your SIS. Before importing sections, please check that all necessary courses are already in the database through an upload of your courses.csv file. Additionally, each imported section must also be associated with an existing term using the Term ID specified in your Terms.csv file. Before importing sections please check that all necessary terms exist in the database.
Note to P&SS Clients: This is optional unless course level assessment is being implemented.  


Explanation: Unique identifier for each group. Often, this is a CRN number from an SIS.

Example: 201601123456  or EDU101SEC01SP2019

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required.

NOTE: This field is required to be unique across all terms. Often, this is a unique Course Registration Number (CRN) value. If your institution reuses CRN values from term to term, establish a term indicator with the CRN. Example: 20180112345  where “201801” 2018 for the year, 01 stands for Spring, and “12345” stands for the CRN. For each course section recorded the unique identifier is the section_id. When updating existing course sections, changes will occur based on section_id.


Explanation: Section number to identify a section of a course

Example: 01

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required.


Explanation: This value is responsible for nesting a section within its parent course

Example: EDUC 101

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required.

NOTE: Must correspond to the course_catalog_code field in the courses file.


Explanation: The term for which the course section is offered

Example: SP2019

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Required

NOTE: This value must match the term_id values provided in the terms file.


Explanation: Start date for the section

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Sample file column: E

Import Status: Optional


Explanation: End date for the section

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Sample file column: F

Import Status: Optional


Explanation: The status of the section, such as active or cancelled.

Example: Active

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: G

Import Status: Optional


Explanation: The credits a student earns for passing the section. This may be different from the course.

Example: 3

Field Type and Length: Float4 (numeric)

Sample file column: H

Import Status: Optional


Explanation: The title of the section, if different from the course title.

Example: History of Mathematics - Honors Section

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: I

Import Status: Optional

Note: Currently text cannot contain a comma. We plan to fix this in a future release.


Explanation: The description of the section, if different from the course description.

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: J

Import Status: Optional

Note: Currently text cannot contain a comma. We plan to fix this in a future release.


Explanation: The campus location code of the section, such as a main campus or online.

Example: MAIN

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: K

Import Status: Optional 


Explanation: The level of the section, such as graduate or undergraduate.

Example: UG

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: L

Import Status: Optional


Explanation: The type of section, such as lecture, lab or recitation.

Example: LAB

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: M

Import Status: Optional


Explanation: The delivery method of the section, such as online or hybrid.

Example: Hybrid

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255. Special characters allowed listed below

`,~, !, #, $, %, ^, &, *, =, +, { }, ', comma, ?, _, -, /, ( ), [ ], <, :, ;, á, é, í, ó, ú, ý, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ý, “, @

Sample file column: N

Import Status: Optional


7. File: enrollments.csv 

This file is responsible for enrolling students or instructors within a course. In products like Planning & Self-Study, this allows you to report on assessment data to the granularity of individual student results.
Note to P&SS clients: This file is optional for implementation.
Note: In order to successfully upload an enrollment file, all included users must previously be loaded in the people file and all course sections must be previously loaded in the section file.
Best Practice: Upload or refresh enrollments after the Add/Drop period at your institution to ensure your system has the most accurate enrollment data.


Explanation: Section id for which the faculty or student will be enrolled. Must match an existing section_id provided in the section file.

Example: 201601123456  or EDU101SEC01SP2019

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: A

Import Status: Required


Explanation: The email address of an existing person loaded in the people file.

Example: nportman@example.edu

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required


Explanation: Values provided here will enroll the person as the instructor of record.

Accepted Values: Provide TRUE  to enroll the user as the instructor of record.

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required

NOTE: A person cannot be added as both an instructor and student in the same section.


Explanation: Values provided here will enroll the user as a student in the section.

Accepted Values: TRUE or FALSE | Provide TRUE to enroll the user as a student within the course section. Provide FALSE to unenroll the user as a student within the course section.

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Required

NOTE: A person cannot be added as both an instructor and student in the same section.


8. File: personattributes.csv 

Institutional System Administrators can optionally import basic person demographic and characteristics.While not currently leveraged by Planning & Self-Study, System Administrators can import basic person demographics. The option appears when Importing or Exporting People. This capability is to be leveraged with Student Learning & Licensure, formerly known as Via. 


We will communicate in release notes when this import of Person Attributes is integrated with Planning & Self-Study. At this time, there are no immediate plans for this. 


Note: In order to successfully upload this file, all included users must previously be loaded in the people file. 



Explanation: The email address of an existing person loaded in the people file. 

Example: nportman@example.edu 

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255 

Sample file column: A 

Import Status: Required 



Explanation: The gender of the person, usually as reported to IPEDS. 

Example: Female 

Accepted Values: All values

Suggested Values (as aligned with IPEDS): “Male”, ”Female”, “M”, ”F”, “Another gender”, “Gender unknown“

Sample file column: B 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The combined race and ethnicity values of the person, usually common in combined Race/Ethnicity reporting. 

Example: Two or More Races 

Accepted Values: “Hispanic or Latino”, “American Indian or Alaska Native”, “Asian”, “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander”, “White”, “Black or African American”, “Two or More Races”, “Nonresident Alien”, “Not Specified / Declined to Specify” 

Sample file column: C 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The race of the person, usually as reported to IPEDS. 

Example: White | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 

Accepted Values: “American Indian or Alaska Native”, “Asian”, “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander”, “White”, “Black or African American”, “Not Specified / Declined to Specify” 

Sample file column: D 

Import Status: Optional 

Note: If multiple values are supplied, separate with a | 



Explanation: Date of birth for the person 

Format: YYYY-MM-DD 

Sample file column: E 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The flag if the person is a first generation student. 

Example: Y 

Accepted Values: “Y”, ”N”, “Yes”, ”No”k 

Sample file column: F 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The flag if the person is eligible to receive PELL grants. 

Example: Y 

Accepted Values: “Y”, ”N”, “Yes”, ”No” 

Sample file column: G 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The flag if the person is a transfer student. 

Example: Y 

Accepted Values: “Y”, ”N”, “Yes”, ”No” 

Sample file column: H 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The admission year of the student. 

Format: YYYY 

Sample file column: I 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: Year of study at the institution

Example: Freshman, Sophomore, 1st Year, Doctoral

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50

Import Status: Optional


9. File: studenttermattributes.csv 

Institutional System Administrators can optionally import student term attributes and characteristics. While not currently leveraged by Planning & Self-Study, System Administrators can import student term attributes. The option appears when Importing or Exporting People (students). 

This capability is to be leveraged with Student Learning & Licensure, formerly known as Via. 

We will communicate in release notes when this import of Student Term Attributes is integrated with Planning & Self-Study. At this time, there are no immediate plans for this. 

Note: In order to successfully upload this file, all included emails & term IDs must already exist within the institution. 



Explanation: The email address of an existing person loaded in the people file.

Example: nportman@example.edu 

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255 

Sample file column: A 

Import Status: Required 



Explanation: The term affiliated with the student record. e.g. The term they started the Major and/or the given term related to the Term GPA. Must match the term id that exists in their list of supplied Terms. 

Example: 2021FALL 

Accepted Values: Must match existing term code 

Sample file column: B 

Import Status: Required 



Explanation: The cumulative GPA of the student at the end of the given term. 

Example: 3.5 

Accepted Values: A number with up to 3 decimal places 

Sample file column: C 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The GPA of the grades earned in the given term. 

Example: 3.5 

Accepted Values: A number with up to 3 decimal places 

Sample file column: D 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The full-time or part-time status of the student in the given term. 

Example: FT 

Accepted Values: Must be either “FT” or “PT” 

Sample file column: E 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The primary major of the student during the given term. 

Sample file column: F 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The primary concentration of the student during the given term. 

Sample file column: G 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The secondary major of the student during the given term. 

Sample file column: H 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The secondary concentration of the student during the given term. 

Sample file column: I 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The minor of the student during the given term. 

Sample file column: J 

Import Status: Optional 



Explanation: The total credit hours the student earned during the given term. 

Example: 6 

Accepted Values: A number with up to 3 decimal places 

Sample file column: K 

Import Status: Optional 


10. File: programcurriculum.csv 

The program curriculum file aligns courses to programs. When importing a program curriculum file, you can create and update the course alignment to a program, and additionally create and update the required course alignment to a program. Before importing the program curriculum file, please check that all necessary programs and courses exist in the database. 

Note: In order to successfully upload this file, all included course & program IDs must already exist within the institution. 

Note: Program Curriculum can be created and updated through CSV imports only at this time.



Explanation: The program code affiliated with the program record.

Example: The code for the College of Business could be “COB”

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255 

Sample file column: A 

Import Status: Required 

Note: Code must be unique.



Explanation: The course code affiliated with the course record.

Example: EDUC 101

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required.

NOTE: Course_code must correspond to the course_catalog_code field in the courses file.



Explanation: Values provided here will align or not align a course to the program

Accepted Values: TRUE or FALSE | Provide TRUE to align the course to a program. Provide FALSE if you do not want the course aligned to a program

Sample file column: C

Import Status: Required.



Explanation: Values provided here will align courses as required or not for the program

Accepted Values: TRUE or FALSE | Provide TRUE to align the course as required to a program. Provide FALSE if you do not want the course aligned as required to a program

Sample file column: D

Import Status: Required.


11. File: cohortenrollments.csv

This file is responsible for enrolling students within a cohort.

This information can be leveraged for reporting and workflows in products like Student Learning & Licensure.

Note: In order to successfully upload a cohort enrollment file, all included users must previously be loaded in the people file and all cohorts must be previously loaded in the cohorts section, under the Data Variables file.



Explanation: The email address of an existing person loaded in the people file.

Example: nportman@example.edu
Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255
Sample file column: A
Import Status: Required



Explanation: Cohort code for which the faculty or student will be enrolled. Must match an existing cohort provided in the cohorts, under the Data Variables tab.

Example: 2022_MBA_FT

Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 255

Sample file column: B

Import Status: Required



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