Any LMS system that supports LTI can use Course Evaluations & Surveys as an LTI Service Provide (LTI SP) and authenticate users in Course Evaluations & Surveys , if matching usernames exist in Course Evaluations & Surveys.
Sakai And Generic LTI Integration Steps
- If LTI is not currently enabled for your Course Evaluations & Surveys Account (check Account > Integrations > LTI), contact our Support Team by clicking Submit A Request to enable LTI for your account in Course Evaluations & Surveys.
- Login to your account in Course Evaluations & Surveys and click on Account > Integrations > LTI.
- The LTI integration requires Consumer Key, Shared Secret Key and the URL (#1 in the image below). Version 1.0 just indicates that Course Evaluations & Surveys supports LTI 1.0. Use this information to configure the LTI in the 3rd party (e.g. LMS) system.
- The LTI sends user info, including usernames, in the requests. You will need to identify what parameter carries username.
Once you identify the username parameter name, you will then add that to "Username Parameter Name" in the Course Evaluations & Surveys LTI settings page (#2 in the image below) and save.
These directions are for the the user integration only, and provides a static link to Course Evaluations & Surveys.
If you are also using the Instructure Canvas LMS, changing the Username Parameter Name would affect the Canvas LMS integration. This change will NOT affect other LMS integrations.LTI 1.3 Integration Steps
- Login to your account in Course Evaluations & Surveys and click on Account > Integrations > LTI 1.3.
- The LTI 1.3 integration requires Issuer, Client ID, Deployment ID, Public Keyset URL, Authentication Request URL. Use this information to configure the LTI in the 3rd party (e.g. LMS) system.
These directions are for the the user integration only, and provides a static link to Course Evaluations & Surveys.