The Course Evaluations & SurveysLTI Integration allows you to quickly and easily enable an LTI link that will pass users directly from Schoology LMS into Course Evaluations & Surveys , without requiring an additional login with username and password. This process requires that the username / login names within Schoology are the same usernames as you upload in your User Upload file within Course Evaluations & Surveys.
To enable LTI for your account, contact our Support Team by clicking Submit A Request
Once LTI has been enabled for your Course Evaluations & Surveys site, go to Account Integrations LTI.
Copy the Consumer Key, Shared Secret and URL fields from Course Evaluations & Surveys for configuration within Schoology.
Change the Username Parameter Name to custom_username (or other parameter if it's been customized in your instance of Schoology).
Click Save.
Within Schoology, setup an External Tool with the info copied in the above step:
For Match by, select URL.
For Domain/URL, enter the info from the URL field copied in the above step.