Creating Activity Templates

NOTE: This guide contains instructions for creating templates as a faculty member. If you are an administrator, click here


To Create a Template:

1. Click Templates in the navigation panel on the left side of your screen

2. Click the Create Template button.

3. Enter a Title for the template

4. Select a Workflow for the template:

Standard Students complete and submit a template and the template is assessed by an instructor.
Peer Review Students complete and submit a template. The template is then randomly assigned for assessment to another student. After peer assessment, the template is assessed by an instructor.
Assisted Assessment Students complete and submit a template. The template is then assessed by a third party assessor or coordinator. After coordinator assessment, the template is assessed by an instructor.
Form Submission  Students complete and submit a template. The assessment step is skipped, and the data from the student submission is available for reporting. (forms, surveys, etc.)
Observational Assessment The submission step is skipped, and the template is assessed by an instructor. (oral presentations, dispositions, etc.)
Internship Students complete and submit a template. The template is then assessed by the student's assigned mentor(s) and/or supervisor(s)
Internship Form Students complete and submit a template. The assessment step is skipped, and the data from the student submission is available for reporting. (NOTE: a student's assigned mentor(s) and supervisor(s) can view activities created with the "Internship Form workflow," but not activities created with the "Form Submission" workflow).
Internship Observational The submission step is skipped, and the template is assessed by the student's assigned mentor(s) and/or supervisor(s)


5. Click Next

The Template Page

The Banner Menu

• The Content tab: This tab provides tools for the construction of a template.
• The Choose Theme tab: This tab allows the template’s look to be changed.
• The Settings tab: This tab provides settings for changing visibility to students, and converting the template to an ePortfolio.
• The Preview tab: This tab displays the template as it will appear to students.

The Component Area

The component area provides several different tools, or components, that can be added to the content area of a template. Each component has different capabilities.

Resource Components:

Resource components are tools for giving or displaying resources to students of the template. Students cannot edit or delete these components.

Title: Text box with large type
Text: Text box with small type
Multimedia: Include an image or embedded YouTube video
Attachment: Include external files for download

Input Components:

Input components are tools provided to students for putting their own content into the template.

Text Area: Text box in which students can type
File Upload: Provides the ability to attach external files
Rich: Text box in which students can type, insert images or web links, and use formatting tools such as text alignment and color
YouTube: URL (web address) text field for students to include a video from YouTube into an embedded player

Question Components:

Question components allow the template to ask questions of the student, and provide various
methods for selecting answers.

Radio Button: Students answer a multiple choice question by selecting a circular button next to the answer. Students must choose only one answer.

Checkbox: Students answer a multiple choice question by selecting a checkbox next to an answer. Students can choose more than one answer.
Dropdown: Students answer a multiple choice question by selecting the answer from a dropdown menu. Students must choose only one answer.

Reference Components:

Reference components allow students to include information contained within their SL&L accounts.

ePortfolio Reference: Allows the student to insert a link to an ePortfolio they have created
Gallery: Allows the student to insert an entry from their Timeline (such as a past activity they submitted), and presents the entry as a “card.”
Timeline: Allows the student to insert an entry from their Timeline, and presents the entry with a date stamp.
My Info: Inserts a pre-made widget containing the student’s information, such as name, gender, and email address, as well as the student’s avatar picture.

Assessment Components:

Scoring: Provides a scoring box, with a max number of points assigned.
Rubric: Adds a rubric from your My Rubrics tab

To add template sections:

     1. Click on a section below which new sections will be added. A selected section will have a purple outline around it.
     2. Click on the purple add sections button.

     3. Click on a new section layout to add sections.


To delete template sections:

     1. Click on a section to be deleted.
     2. Click the delete section button (trash can icon).


To add components to a template section:

     1. Click a section to which a component will be added.
     2. Click on the component to be added.
     3. If necessary, complete the component details popup, such as giving the component a label or whether or not it is optional, and click the popup’s Save button.

To delete a component from a template section:

     1. Hover over the component to be deleted.
     2. Click the delete button (trash can icon).
     3. In the Are you sure? popup, click Delete.


To move a component to a different location:

     1. Hover over the component to be moved.
     2. Click and hold on the move button (crosshair icon).
     3. While holding, drag the component to the new location.


The Assessment Panel

The assessment panel area of the template page provides space for adding a rubric, scoring box, and feedback text box to a template. Like the Scoring and Rubric components, placing these items in the assessment panel area establishes a visual separation between submitted work and assessment tools during the assessment process.

To add rubrics, a scoring box, or feedback box to the assessment panel:

     1. In the assessment panel area, click the add assessment component button (3 vertical dots).
     2. Click Rubric, Scoring, or Feedback from the menu.


3. Complete the item details popup, and click the popup’s Save button.

Saving a Completed Template

While building a template, SL&L automatically saves progress once every minute. However, the template can be saved at any time by clicking the Save button on the template page.

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