Form Builder

Create/Edit a Form

  1. Click the Forms tab located on the top center of the screen.
  2. From within the Form Builder, click the New... button.
  3. Enter a Title and an optional Description.
  4. Click the Save as New Form button located in the lower right of the screen.
  5. The form will be listed within the My Forms area. Click the title to begin editing the form.

The new form will open in the Fields tab. From within the Fields tab, users have options to create (), edit (), copy (), and delete () fields. Fields are questions within the form which may include text (long or short), date, and choice (radio buttons, dropdown, checkboxes) fields. Below is a list of field types including some pre-defined common fields (e.g. First Name, Last Name).

Field Type Description Capacity
Short Text Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Long Text Multiple line, alphanumeric text 65,000 characters
Radio Buttons Multiple choice, one answer Unlimited choices
Dropdown Multiple choice, one answer Unlimited choices
Checkboxes Multiple choice, multiple answers Unlimited choices
First Name Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Middle Name Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Last Name Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Date of Birth Date N/A
Home Address Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Home Address 2 Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Home City Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Home State Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Home Zip Single line, alphanumeric text 255 characters
Number Single line, integers N/A
Date Date N/A
Yes/No Yes and no radio buttons N/A
Ethnicity Dropdown of ethnicities N/A
Gender Female and Male radio buttons N/A

Create/Edit Form Fields

Each type of field contains different editing properties. Create the field and then follow the steps for editing the specified field type.

To create a field, click the Create a Field  icon and select a field type. Alternately, if fields exist, click the Edit Form Field  icon.

Edit Text and Long Text Fields


  1. Enter a Field ID. A Field ID is a code or abbreviation for a question (e.g. LN for Last Name).
  2. Enter a Question.
  3. Optionally, enter Pre-text and Post-text. Pre-text and Post-text can be used to provide instruction, examples, or details for a question.
  4. Click the Save button located in the top right corner of the Edit Field area.
  5. The form field or question will be displayed within the Fields tab.


Select the Type dropdown box to change the text field to Short Text or Long Text.

If you intend to export and merge data into another system (i.e. a student information system or other database), it is recommended that the Field IDs in the form match the field keys/IDs/codes in the other system.

Edit Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radio Fields


  1. Enter a Field ID. A Field ID is a code or abbreviation for a question (e.g. LOC for Place of Residence).
  2. Enter a Question.
  3. Optionally, enter Pre-text and Post-text. Pre-text and Post-text can be used to provide instruction, examples, or details for a question.
  4. Enter a Choice and click the Add button located to the right of the text box. Another choice box will appear. Be sure to click the Add button after entering each choice.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. The form field or question will be displayed within the Fields tab.

Select the Type dropdown box to change the choice field to Dropdown, Checkbox, or Radios. Responders will only be able to select one choice if the Type is set to Radios or Dropdown, but may select multiple choices if the Type is set to Checkbox.


Click the Use Choice ID checkbox to enter codes or values for each choice. The form responder will see the question (e.g. "How do you feel today?") and be able to select from the options (e.g. Fabulous, Okay, or Terrible), but the data results will display the Choice ID (e.g. 3, 2, 1 or FAB, OK, BAD).

Edit Form Properties

  1. While editing a form, click the Edit Properties tab. The Edit Properties tab is the first tab from the left.
  2. Edit the Title and optional Description.
  3. Click the Save button.

Copy a Form

  1. From within the Form Builder tab, select the checkbox to the left of each form to be copied.
  2. Click the Copy button.
  3. The copy of each form will be displayed within the My Forms area.

Copying a form will only copy the fields/questions with in the form. No datasets will be copied.

Delete a Form

  1. From within the Form Builder, select the checkbox to the left of each form to be deleted.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. The form will be deleted from the My Forms area.

Once a form has been deleted, it cannot be restored. Use caution when deleting forms. Deleting a form will not delete any datasets associated with the form.

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