1. From the administrator account for your Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) organization, click on Settings, click Configuration Settings, and then click LMS Integrations:
2. Click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the right of LMS 1 or LMS 2
3. From the LMS dropdown, select Sakai
4. In the LMS URL box, enter the URL for your institution's Sakai environment. Ex: sakai.livetext.com, sakai.jsu.edu, etc.
5. In a different tab or window, log into your Sakai administrator account
6. Navigate to the Administration Workspace, and click External Tools
7. Click the Install LTI 1.3 Tool link
8. Configure the External Tool with the following settings:
- Launch URL: https://sll.watermarkinsights.com/via/lti/v1p3/launch
Privacy Settings:
- Enable Send Email Addresses to External Tool
- Enable Send User Names to External Tool
- Enable Allow External Tool to return grades
- Enable Allow External Tool to create grade columns
- Enable Provide Roster to External Tool
- Enable Allow the tool to be launched as a link
Launch in Popup
- Select Always launch in popup
- Select Tool Supports LTI 1.3
- Copy the Initiate login URL from your SL&L account and paste it in the LTI 1.3 Tool OpenID Connect/Initialization Endpoint box in Sakai
- Copy the Redirection URL from your SL&L account and paste it in the LTI 1.3 Tool Redirect Endpoint box in Sakai
- Enter a Title for the External Tool
- Save the External Tool
- Edit the External Tool again. Replace the LTI 1.3 Tool Public Key in Sakai with the Public Keyset URL from your SL&L account
- Save the External Tool
- Click on the name of the External Tool
- Copy the LTI 1.3 Client ID from Sakai and paste into the Client ID box in SL&L
- Copy the LTI 1.3 Platform OAuth2 Well-Known/KeySet URL from Sakai and paste into the Public keyset URL box in SL&L
- Copy the LTI 1.3 Platform OAuth2 Bearer Token Retrieval URL from Sakai and paste into the Access token URL box in SL&L
- Copy the LTI 1.3 Platform OIDC Authentication URL from Sakai and paste into the Authentication request URL box in SL&L
- Copy the LTI 1.3 Issuer from Sakai and paste into the Issuer box in SL&L