Styling Lists in the Rich Text Editor

When text to represent a list has been pasted as plain text, it can be selected and the appropriate style applied using the Number List or the Bullet List buttons provided in the tool ribbon. These buttons automatically format and translate the correct style so the selected list does not need additional styling added via the left hand drop down menu.

One the appropriate style has been applied to the entire list, the Indent and Outdent buttons can be applied to create sublists within the list content.


If you wish to add text indented along with a number or bullet list, place your cursor at the end of the paragraph, hold "Shift" and press "Enter" to create a break in the list without creating a new number or bullet.

NOTE: Do not use the indent and outdent buttons for regular text, use the BodyTextIndented and BodyTextNSIndented styles if you wish to indent regular text (non list content). These indent buttons only function correctly for Lists.

Always “Accept” your changes with the Accept button on the lower right hand corner of the rich text editor. And Save your changes with the Save button in the upper left hand corner of your tool ribbon. If you navigate away from the item you have been editing, the system will alert you to save your work.

Note that this will not show on the live site until it is formally approved and published by an admin.

The item being edited is available for editing until submitted through workflow.

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