Beginning an Evaluation
When you are ready to evaluate student submissions, log into your Outcomes Assessment Projects account and select your Project from the dashboard, which will bring you to the About This Project page.
Next, select the Score Student Work button on the left-hand side.

All students available for evaluation will be listed on the following page. This queue may be shared with multiple evaluators in the same learning outcome or course. From this page, you may use the drop-down menus to filter by a specific course or Assignment.

Depending on Project settings, student names may be anonymized in your scoring queue. Selecting the name or ID number of a student will allow you to see the learning outcome and artifacts affiliated with that student’s submission.
Select the Score button next to a student's name to begin evaluating the student's submission.

Depending on file type, the artifact may open embedded within Outcomes Assessment Projects. If the artifact does not open in the embedded window, you may download the file by selecting the arrow in the upper left hand corner.
If the artifact is a video, it will stream within Outcomes Assessment Projects. If the video does not begin streaming automatically, it may still be processing. If so, you can select the download button at the upper right-hand corner to download the video onto your computer.

Selecting the paper icon on the left-hand side will expand a panel where you may also download the file.

If artifacts were submitted by students through their LMS, you may also find supporting comments provided by the student here.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the first criterion of the rubric. Once you have selected a score, you may click the arrow button to the right to go to the next criterion. If there is more than one rubric assigned to the submission, the second rubric will appear as another tab at the bottom of the page.

Selecting the Add Comment button will open a text box which you may use to add overall comments on the rubric.

Selecting the blue arrow to the right of the rubric will expand the criteria and display the performance level descriptors.

Depending on Project settings, N/A may appear as a scoring option.
A Project option to report a submission as unscorable might also be in use. Reporting a submission as unscorable will remove it from the scoring queue, which will prevent any evaluator from scoring it.
To report a submission as unscorable, select the Actions button at the upper right-hand corner and then click "Report as Unscorable". Please note, the Actions button will not appear if the Assessment Coordinator has not enabled the ability to report submissions as unscorable.

Saving a Draft
Selecting the back arrow at the upper left hand corner will save a draft of your evaluation and navigate you back to the Score Student Work queue. By returning to the queue, the student’s submission will remain in your possession and you will have the ability to Resume your evaluation at a later time. Other evaluators will not have the ability to access your evaluations in progress.

Cancelling an In-Progress Evaluation
To return a submission to the evaluation queue, you may select the Discard button at the upper right-hand corner.

Discarding an evaluation will delete any scores or comments made in the rubric. If you do not have a Discard button at the upper right-hand corner, select the Actions button. The Discard button should appear in the Actions drop-down menu.
Submitting Evaluation
Once you have selected your rubric criteria scores, click the Review & Submit button at the upper right hand corner.

Before submitting your evaluation, you may review your selections and make any changes to your scores. Outcomes Assessment Projects will also use this page to highlight any criteria that are missing scores.
Once you are satisfied with your scores, you may select the Submit button at the upper right-hand corner. Selecting the Submit button will return you to the Score Student Work queue. You should now see a green bar indicating the evaluation has been completed.

Please note, once an evaluation is submitted, you will not have the ability to view the completed evaluation, edit, or delete the evaluation. Your queue may also appear differently than when you first started your evaluation as there may be other evaluators scoring work from the same queue.
When you are ready to evaluate student submissions, log into your Outcomes Assessment Projects account and select your Project from the dashboard, which will bring you to the About This Project page.
Next, select the Score Student Work button on the left-hand side.

All students available for evaluation will be listed on the following page. This queue may be shared with multiple evaluators in the same learning outcome or course. From this page, you may use the drop-down menus to filter by a specific course or Assignment.

Depending on Project settings, student names may be anonymized in your scoring queue. Selecting the name or ID number of a student will allow you to see the learning outcome and artifacts affiliated with that student’s submission.
Select the Score button next to a student's name to begin evaluating the student's submission.

Depending on file type, the artifact may open embedded within Outcomes Assessment Projects. If the artifact does not open in the embedded window, you may download the file by selecting the arrow in the upper left hand corner.
If the artifact is a video, it will stream within Outcomes Assessment Projects. If the video does not begin streaming automatically, it may still be processing. If so, you can select the download button at the upper right-hand corner to download the video onto your computer.

Selecting the paper icon on the left-hand side will expand a panel where you may also download the file.

If artifacts were submitted by students through their LMS, you may also find supporting comments provided by the student here.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the first criterion of the rubric. Once you have selected a score, you may click the arrow button to the right to go to the next criterion. If there is more than one rubric assigned to the submission, the second rubric will appear as another tab at the bottom of the page.

Selecting the Add Comment button will open a text box which you may use to add overall comments on the rubric.

Selecting the blue arrow to the right of the rubric will expand the criteria and display the performance level descriptors.

Depending on Project settings, N/A may appear as a scoring option.
A Project option to report a submission as unscorable might also be in use. Reporting a submission as unscorable will remove it from the scoring queue, which will prevent any evaluator from scoring it.
To report a submission as unscorable, select the Actions button at the upper right-hand corner and then click "Report as Unscorable". Please note, the Actions button will not appear if the Assessment Coordinator has not enabled the ability to report submissions as unscorable.

Saving a Draft
Selecting the back arrow at the upper left hand corner will save a draft of your evaluation and navigate you back to the Score Student Work queue. By returning to the queue, the student’s submission will remain in your possession and you will have the ability to Resume your evaluation at a later time. Other evaluators will not have the ability to access your evaluations in progress.

Cancelling an In-Progress Evaluation
To return a submission to the evaluation queue, you may select the Discard button at the upper right-hand corner.

Discarding an evaluation will delete any scores or comments made in the rubric. If you do not have a Discard button at the upper right-hand corner, select the Actions button. The Discard button should appear in the Actions drop-down menu.
Submitting Evaluation
Once you have selected your rubric criteria scores, click the Review & Submit button at the upper right hand corner.

Before submitting your evaluation, you may review your selections and make any changes to your scores. Outcomes Assessment Projects will also use this page to highlight any criteria that are missing scores.
Once you are satisfied with your scores, you may select the Submit button at the upper right-hand corner. Selecting the Submit button will return you to the Score Student Work queue. You should now see a green bar indicating the evaluation has been completed.

Please note, once an evaluation is submitted, you will not have the ability to view the completed evaluation, edit, or delete the evaluation. Your queue may also appear differently than when you first started your evaluation as there may be other evaluators scoring work from the same queue.