The Track Activity area of the About This Project page houses a variety of activity reports, some of which may be exported to Microsoft Excel.
The Track Assignment Creation Report allows you to view Assignments that you or other Assessment Coordinators and Faculty in the Project have created to date.
Two perspectives are available: By Assignment and By Course.
The Evaluator Activity Report allows you to see how many evaluations have been completed or started by each evaluator in the project, the outcomes for which he or she may score submissions, and if applicable, the courses he or she is teaching.
Choosing to download the Activity Reports will present four options:
• Downloading the Assignment Activity
• Downloading the Submission Activity
• Downloading the Evaluator Activity
• Downloading the Scoring Activity
Selecting any of these options will open a Microsoft Excel file which you may save and manipulate outside
of the system.
To run a Track Assignment Creation Report, log into your Outcomes Assessment Projects account with Assessment Coordinator access and select your Project. From the About This Project page select the Track Activity link at the upper right hand corner of the page. Select the Track Assignment Creation button from the drop-down menu that appears.

The next page will display the list of Assignments created in the Project to date with the outcomes associated with them and the courses from which student work may be submitted. A summary of how many Assignments from how many courses have been created across how many outcomes appears at the top.

Selecting the By Course option will list the courses participating in the project with an indication of how many assignments allow student work to be submitted from those courses and which outcomes are covered by those assignments. A clear indication of how many courses in the project are not currently covered by any assignment appears at the top.

While the Assignment Creation Report is not exportable to Microsoft Excel, you may select the Download CSV Reports button to download the Evaluator Activity and Submission Activity Reports.

The Assignment Activity Report lists all the assignments that have been created to date in the project, how many submissions have been added to each, and how many of those submissions have been completed, remain in progress or have not been started.
The Submission Activity Report includes every submission of student work in the project with many details to understand where that submission is in the evaluation workflow and who has or still is evaluating it. It also includes columns with the count of scores completed for all outcomes in a submission and a count of scores expected for all outcomes in that submission to reflect that project settings make it possible for some submissions to receive varying numbers of scores and that at any point in the project, an additional score for some or all submissions can be requested from evaluators.
Tracking Evaluator Activity Report
To run a Track Evaluator Activity Report, you will need to have Assessment Coordinator access. Select your Project. From the About This Project page select the Track Activity link at the upper right hand corner of the page. Select the Track Evaluator Activity button from the drop-down menu that appears.

The next page will display a list of all the Evaluators for all the outcomes in the Project. The list contains the Evaluators names, the number of evaluations they’ve completed, the number of evaluations in progress, the learning outcome they’ve been assigned to, and their course enrollment.

Towards the upper right hand corner, you may select Download CSV Report to download either the Evaluator Activity or the Scoring Activity.

Choosing to download the Evaluator Activity Report will display information that is nearly identical to the Track Evaluator Activity page.
The Scoring Activity Report displays all scores for each criterion from every completed evaluation.
Managing Evaluations
When individual Evaluators keep submissions in progress in the Score Student Work queue, other Evaluators cannot see (or score) those submissions. This restricted view can create a bottleneck in scoring workflows—particularly among collaborative teams evaluating student submissions near the end of a project.
The Assessment Coordinator can view the submissions that each evaluator has in progress, and decide which to discard to allow someone else to score. When an evaluation is discarded:
• Any scores input will be deleted
• The submission will not appear at the top of the scorer’s queue in a Resume state
• The submission will become available to other scorers to pick up
To review in progress evaluations, sort the by the In Progress column to bring the evaluators with the most evaluations in progress to the top.

Click the In Progress number to see the evaluations that particular evaluator has in progress. Select the evaluations to be discarded and click Discard Evaluations. Details on how long the evaluation is in progress, when it was last accessed, and the number of scores input are displayed to help to determine which evaluations should be kept and which should be discarded.

When an evaluation is discarded by an Assessment Coordinator, the Evaluator will see a message when they return to the Score Student Work page informing them of who discarded their in progress evaluations.

The Track Assignment Creation Report allows you to view Assignments that you or other Assessment Coordinators and Faculty in the Project have created to date.
Two perspectives are available: By Assignment and By Course.
The Evaluator Activity Report allows you to see how many evaluations have been completed or started by each evaluator in the project, the outcomes for which he or she may score submissions, and if applicable, the courses he or she is teaching.
Choosing to download the Activity Reports will present four options:
• Downloading the Assignment Activity
• Downloading the Submission Activity
• Downloading the Evaluator Activity
• Downloading the Scoring Activity
Selecting any of these options will open a Microsoft Excel file which you may save and manipulate outside
of the system.
To run a Track Assignment Creation Report, log into your Outcomes Assessment Projects account with Assessment Coordinator access and select your Project. From the About This Project page select the Track Activity link at the upper right hand corner of the page. Select the Track Assignment Creation button from the drop-down menu that appears.

The next page will display the list of Assignments created in the Project to date with the outcomes associated with them and the courses from which student work may be submitted. A summary of how many Assignments from how many courses have been created across how many outcomes appears at the top.

Selecting the By Course option will list the courses participating in the project with an indication of how many assignments allow student work to be submitted from those courses and which outcomes are covered by those assignments. A clear indication of how many courses in the project are not currently covered by any assignment appears at the top.

While the Assignment Creation Report is not exportable to Microsoft Excel, you may select the Download CSV Reports button to download the Evaluator Activity and Submission Activity Reports.

The Assignment Activity Report lists all the assignments that have been created to date in the project, how many submissions have been added to each, and how many of those submissions have been completed, remain in progress or have not been started.
The Submission Activity Report includes every submission of student work in the project with many details to understand where that submission is in the evaluation workflow and who has or still is evaluating it. It also includes columns with the count of scores completed for all outcomes in a submission and a count of scores expected for all outcomes in that submission to reflect that project settings make it possible for some submissions to receive varying numbers of scores and that at any point in the project, an additional score for some or all submissions can be requested from evaluators.
Tracking Evaluator Activity Report
To run a Track Evaluator Activity Report, you will need to have Assessment Coordinator access. Select your Project. From the About This Project page select the Track Activity link at the upper right hand corner of the page. Select the Track Evaluator Activity button from the drop-down menu that appears.

The next page will display a list of all the Evaluators for all the outcomes in the Project. The list contains the Evaluators names, the number of evaluations they’ve completed, the number of evaluations in progress, the learning outcome they’ve been assigned to, and their course enrollment.

Towards the upper right hand corner, you may select Download CSV Report to download either the Evaluator Activity or the Scoring Activity.

Choosing to download the Evaluator Activity Report will display information that is nearly identical to the Track Evaluator Activity page.
The Scoring Activity Report displays all scores for each criterion from every completed evaluation.
Managing Evaluations
When individual Evaluators keep submissions in progress in the Score Student Work queue, other Evaluators cannot see (or score) those submissions. This restricted view can create a bottleneck in scoring workflows—particularly among collaborative teams evaluating student submissions near the end of a project.
The Assessment Coordinator can view the submissions that each evaluator has in progress, and decide which to discard to allow someone else to score. When an evaluation is discarded:
• Any scores input will be deleted
• The submission will not appear at the top of the scorer’s queue in a Resume state
• The submission will become available to other scorers to pick up
To review in progress evaluations, sort the by the In Progress column to bring the evaluators with the most evaluations in progress to the top.

Click the In Progress number to see the evaluations that particular evaluator has in progress. Select the evaluations to be discarded and click Discard Evaluations. Details on how long the evaluation is in progress, when it was last accessed, and the number of scores input are displayed to help to determine which evaluations should be kept and which should be discarded.

When an evaluation is discarded by an Assessment Coordinator, the Evaluator will see a message when they return to the Score Student Work page informing them of who discarded their in progress evaluations.