Announcements in Taskstream


About Announcements

Announcements are an excellent way to communicate with a large audience of Taskstream members within your administrative domain. You can post announcements to specific groups and Programs within your organizational area.

Members who are located in the groups you have selected receive a notification message on their home page(under the My Links area) that links to the announcement page with your new notice.

To post a new announcement:

  1. Go to the TS Coordinator area.
  2. In the Manage Communications area (to the far-right of the page), click the Announcements link. The Manage Announcements page loads. This page enables you to create, edit, or delete announcements.
  3. From the Announcements main page, click Create New Announcement. The Post New Announcement page loads.
  4. Enter a title (maximum characters is 70).
  5. Enter content for the announcement.
  6. Select the groups to whom you want to send the announcement.
  7. (Optional) To quit your action, click Cancel.
  8. Click Post Announcement.

Edit/Delete an Announcement

To delete a previously posted announcement, click the Delete button that corresponds with the announcement you want to delete.

To edit a previously posted announcement, click the appropriate Edit button. Complete the resulting form and submit your changes.

Calendar Events

As a Coordinator, you can post events on the calendars of other members of your learning community. You will also be able to view the curricular events posted to the calendars of other individuals within your organization.

Post New Event

To post events to the calendar, click the Calendar Events link from the TS Coordinator area.  Then click the Add New Event button.

To post an event, fill out the event information form, providing the date, title, event type, time, and description of the event.

Next, specify the groups and/or areas of your organization to whose calendar you want this event added.

To do this, click the checkbox next to all of the groups/areas.

Finally, click the Add Event button.

Edit/Delete an Event

To delete a previously posted event, click the appropriate Delete button to delete a specific event.

To edit a previously posted event, click the Edit button for a specific event. Complete the resulting form and submit your changes.

You can also post a new event from this area by clicking the Add New Event button.

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