D2L LTI 1.3 Integration - Administrator Setup


Admin Setup Instructions

1. From the administrator account for your Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) organization, click on Settings, click Configuration Settings, then click LMS Integrations:

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2. Click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the right of LMS 1 or LMS 2
3. From the LMS dropdown, select D2L
4. In the LMS URL box, enter the URL for your institution's D2L environment

5. In a new tab or window, log into your D2L administrator account
6. Click the Admin Tools icon Manage Extensibility

7. Go to the LTI Advantage tab and click the Register Tool button

8. Enter the following information to create the tool:
  • Enter the Name of your choice
  • Enter the Description of your choice
  • Enter the Domain: https://sll.watermarkinsights.com
  • From your SL&L admin account, copy the Initiate login URL and paste it in the OpenID Connect Login URL field in D2L
  • Copy the Redirection URL in SL&L and paste it in the Redirect URLs field in D2L
  • Copy the Public keyset URL in SL&L and paste it in the Keyset URL field in D2L
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9. In D2L, check these boxes under Extensions:
  • Assignment and Grade Services
  • Names and Role Provisioning Services
10. Check the box for Send Institution Role
11. Click Register
12. Once the new tool is registered, the Registration Details will be displayed (Note: you may also view these details by clicking on the LTI tool)
13. Copy the Client ID from the Registration Details in D2L, and paste it in the Client ID field in SL&L
14. Copy the Brightspace Keyset URL in D2L and paste it in the Public keyset URL field in SL&L
15. Copy the Brightspace OAuth2 Access Token URL in D2L and paste it in the Access token URL field in SL&L
16. Copy the OpenID Connect Authentication Endpoint in D2L and paste it in the Authentication request URL field in SL&L
17. Copy the Issuer in D2L and paste it in the Issuer field in SL&L
*Please make sure there are no trailing spaces or special characters (such as a "/") at the end of the URL
18. Click Done in D2L

Tool Deployment

Next you will create a Deployment for the new tool that was just created, either from the Creation screen or the Edit Tool screen. Deployments allow sharing of registered tools in D2L to specific org units or descendants of parent org units.

Registered tools can have multiple deployments. Each individual deployment can be unique, supporting
the ability for different LTI extensions and Security Settings per deployment. Links can be created for use
in the org unit(s) from the Deployment, or users with permissions can create individual links at the org
level that link to the deployment.

1. In your D2L administrator account, click the Admin Tools icon  External Learning Tools


2. Go to the LTI Advantage tab
3. Click the New Deployment button
4. Select the SL&L tool you created from the Tool dropdown
5. Enter the Name of your choice
6. Enter the Description of your choice
7. Check these boxes under Extensions:
  • Assignment and Grade Services
  • Names and Role Provisioning Services
8. Under Security Settings, ensure the following settings are selected:
  • Org Unit Information
  • User Information
    • Name
      • First Name
      • Middle Name
      • Last Name
    • Email
    • User ID
    • Username
    • Org Defined ID
  • Link Information
    • Title
    • Description
  • Classlist including users not known to this deployment

9. Under Configuration Settings, ensure the following settings are selected:
  • Open as External Resource
  • Auto Create Grade Items

Note: These two settings (i) allow the SL&L assignment to be opened in a new tab; (ii) automatically create and associate a grade book item with the SL&L external tool


10. Click the Add Org Units button. Search for the topmost unit and enable “This org unit and all descendants”. This will allow the tool to be available at the course. It will allow faculty to create unique individual external tools from within a course.
NOTE: This will allow faculty to create unique individual external tools from within a course. The external tool created by faculty members will be automatically associated with the SL&L external tool.
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Alternatively, if you would like the tool to only be available for tool creation within certain courses, complete  the following steps.

  • Click the Add Org Units button. 
  • In the upper right, under the Filter by Org Unit Type, choose Course Offering from the dropdown list
  • Select the courses where the manual tool creation will be available for faculty
  • Click Add

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11. Once all Org Units have been added, click Create Deployment


12. Once the Deployment is created, D2L will display a unique Deployment ID that is needed to complete the registration on the SL&L side (Note: you can also view the Deployment ID by clicking on the new Deployment)
13. Copy the Deployment ID from D2L and paste it in the Deployment ID field in SL&L
14. Return to your other D2L tab and click Done

15. Return to SL&L and click SAVE

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