Canvas LTI 1.3 Assignmentpk Integration Using Reports

The following instructions will allow you to insert an Assignmentpk integration using reports in your canvas course that takes students and faculty to their Assignmentpk in TK20.

  1. Log into your Canvas Portal using your faculty account.
  2. On the left side panel, from Dashboard sidemenu , navigate to the course Tk20 1.3 course.

  3.Click on Assignments

  4. Search for your folder and click on plus button to add a new assignment. 

5. Enter a Title for your assignment

6. Enter a point value

7.Set Submission Type to External Tool

8.Click Find


9.Find the coursepk placement type created by admin and click Select.


10.Make sure at the end of this external tool URL, for assignmentpk integration, pkassignment=-27fee454eea7eea188523b9fa27f2e.This value comes from the column “Coursework Launch URL” by running the LTI 001: report on tk20 side.

11.Check the box for Load This Tool In A New Tab if you want to open it in new window/tab.

12. Click Save & Publish

13.Click Load [assignment name] in a new window

14. A new tab will open where you will see the Tk20 screen if integration is successful.

15.A success message will be displayed on the LMS page


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