**This article only applies to institutions that send CSV files and are using Apache Drill**
If the C: drive on the Connect server needs space cleared up, all files can be deleted from the C:\tmp\drill\profiles directory. In some cases, the C: drive does not appear full even when it is. Confirm this is the issue by opening the C:\tmp\drill\profiles directory. Sometimes there are so many files that Windows does not accurately count them.
In addition, this can also be done by updating the file found at C:\Aviso\Connect2\Connect2.ps1 so that the system manages this and clears out files that are over a week old every time the Connect2 job runs.
NOTE: Please use caution when updating the Connect script!
To update the Connect 2 job so that this directory is cleared automatically:
- Browse to the C:\Aviso\Connect2\ directory
- Select the Connect2.ps1 file
- Open the file and add the following lines to the very end of the file:
# Cleanup the Drill Temp Profiles Folder
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\tmp\drill\profiles | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} | Remove-Item