Connect SFTP Auto-Updates Deployment Guide

In December of 2020, improvements were made to the Connect product utilized during the SIS data import process.

  • These improvements converted the Connector from a web service to a scheduled job running on the Connect server.
  • Removing dependencies on Apache Tomcat and HTTP was a main motivation for these changes.

Prior to this change, issues with Tomcat crashes and the general unreliability of the network were common. By removing the always-on Tomcat server, and utilizing SFTP instead of HTTP for data transfer, the reliability of the SIS data import process has greatly increased.

  • The method used for data extraction from the institution and data processing before the data transfer has not changed.
  • The only change is the data transfer method.
  • With the new data transfer method, instead of receiving and fulfilling web requests from the SS&E web application, the Connector job uploads (i.e transfers) data from each client to Amazon S3 via SFTP. From S3, SS&E reads the data and imports the SIS data into SS&E.


The Courier product was discontinued on 2/29/24.


SFTP Security

While utilizing SFTP, we do not have dedicated IPs on our SFTP endpoints.

If security is required for outbound connections made from the Connect Server, clients can DNS whitelist

Otherwise, this would require whitelisting all AWS IP addresses for the US-EAST-1 region found here:

Connect Job - Auto Update

Since the initial deployment of the new SFTP Connector, additional improvements have been made to the Connect product, including an auto-update mechanism.

  • Once the auto-updating mechanism is deployed, there should be no reason for SS&E staff to remote into the Connect machine to update Connect unless there is an urgent issue that requires manual maintenance.
  • The steps below include walk-through step-by-step instructions on how to deploy the auto-update mechanism.

Connect Job - External Logging

Another improvement to the new Connector is external logging.

Once implemented, the Connect 2 Full Log and Connect 2 scheduled task log messages will display in SS&E Administration under Advanced > External Logging every time the Connect job runs as a Scheduled Task in the Windows Task Scheduler on the client Connect server.

  • This new feature of External Logging is set up by adding a configuration setting specifying the API token found in SS&E Administration, further described in the step-by-step instructions below.

Note: As of January 1, 2021, Connect 1 has been deprecated in favor of Accelerate/Connect2 and there will be no non-security enhancements to the Connect1 product. For example, query changes, extract updates and logic changes will no longer be implemented or worked on for Connect1.

How to Verify that External Logging is Configured Properly

In order to verify that External Logging is setup and should be working, go to your Connect server and open C:\Aviso\Connect2\config\ to confirm that the api.token and logging file are set.

  1. To find your API token, go to SS&E Administration > Application > apiToken.
      • The line in should show that the API token saved on the Connect server matches what displays in SS&E.
      • Also, make sure it's named api.token and not api-token. For example:
  2. Confirm that the following line is also included in the file on the Connect server: 

If External Logging is not configured properly, follow the instructions below for Connect 1 or Connect 2 to update the Connect Job to include auto updates and external logging.

The following deployment instructions are for updating Connect 1; scroll further down for instructions on updating Connect 2:

Connect 1

1. Delete the existing Connect Windows Scheduled task.


2. Add a PowerShell script to automate most of the setup of the new tasks by creating the following file  C:\Aviso\software\connect1TaskSetup.ps1.

Note: If the file already exists, delete it and create a new file. 

To create this file, either:

*If you directly download the script, open it in a text editor, add a new empty line at the end, then save in order to prevent unsigned script errors.

step2_ts.png (screenshot/example is from Connect2)

3. Run the following script in a Command Prompt to add the new scheduled tasks.

Run as administrator, and enter credentials when prompted:

powershell.exe -noexit "& 'C:\Aviso\software\connect1TaskSetup.ps1'"

step2_psras.png        s4pts.png


Use the API token from the Application menu in the Administrative view at Administration Application apiToken. Copy the entire value including any commas or special characters.

5. Test the two new scheduled tasks by manually running them from Task Scheduler and verifying that they are running correctly:


  • Verify the auto-update task by running it and checking that there is an entry in the auto_update.log at C:\Aviso\software\update\.                           AutoUd_log.png
  • Verify the Connect task by running it and checking that there is data populating in external logging at Administration Advanced External Logging. extlog.png

6. If the Connect job does not run from the Task Scheduler, use the following command to check if it runs from a command prompt (Run as Administrator):

java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar avisoConnector.jar port=8880

7. If the new Connector job runs from a command prompt yet does not run from the Windows Task Scheduler, this is most likely a permissions-related issue that displays in the Windows logs. Search the Windows logs to find/fix the error and then try again.

Connect 2

1. Delete the existing Connect Windows Scheduled task.


2. Add a PowerShell script to automate most of the setup of the new tasks by creating the following file  C:\Aviso\Connect2\connect2TaskSetup.ps1. Note: If the file already exists, delete it and create a new file. 

To create this file, either:

*If you directly download the script, open it in a text editor, add a new empty line at the end, then save in order to prevent unsigned script errors.


3. Run the following script in a Command Prompt to add the new scheduled tasks. Run as administrator, and enter credentials when prompted:

powershell.exe -noexit "& 'C:\Aviso\Connect2\connect2TaskSetup.ps1'"

step2_psras.png        s4pts.png

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the password changes for the user that is associated with these new tasks, it must be updated in Windows Task Scheduler for the tasks to run.

4. Edit the existing file (usually at C:\Aviso\Connect2\config\ by adding the following line at the end of the file. This will enable external logging.


Use the API token from the Application menu in the Administrative view at Administration Application apiToken. Copy the entire value including any commas or special characters.

5. Test the two new scheduled tasks by manually running them from Task Scheduler and verifying they are running correctly: 


  • Verify the auto-update task by running it and checking that there is an entry in the auto_update.log at C:\Aviso\Connect2\update\.                     AutoUd_log.png
  • Verify the Connect task by running it and checking that there is data populating in external logging at Administration Advanced External Logging. extlog.png

6. If the Connect job does not run from the Task Scheduler, use the following command to check if it runs from a command prompt (Run as Administrator):

java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar connector-standalone.jar --spring.config.additional-location=C:/Aviso/Connect2/config/

7. If the new Connector job runs from a command prompt yet does not run from the Windows Task Scheduler, this is most likely a permissions-related issue that displays in the Windows logs. Search the Windows logs to find/fix the error and then try again.

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