The manual connector page permits an administrator to issue on-demand calls to SS&E datastreams. This is often uses in debugging whether connectivity exists between SS&E and the SS&E Connect Job.
Connector Cache
Resetting the cache for a data stream instructs the ETL process to reprocess all records for that stream. Use this when an administrative change has occurred that requires previously imported data to be reimported.
File System
Sends the results of the datastream to the internal filesystem of SS&E. This pulls the current data from SS&E Connect, removes any already processed records and writes the transformed data to a file. Access this file by selecting the stream and clicking the "Download" button.
JSON Detail
Sends the results of the datastream to the web browser. The format of the payload is JSON and can be viewed accordingly. Often times a browser plugin for json formatting is helpful for reviewing the data returned.
Reset All Caches
Resets the cache of all datastreams. A full load will occur of all data with the next load.
- BEWARE!! Use this with extreme caution as it can cause large delays in the SIS Data Import.
Restrict Streams
This feature allows you to prevent the import of new data for the streams that are not selected. Select the streams that you would like to continue processing - all other data streams will be skipped (i.e. not retrieved via SS&E Connect).