Extract/Transfer Phase Troubleshooting (data stream out of date)

1. The first place to check for Connector issues is in Administration -> Advanced -> External Logging, filtering by Log Level "Error". 

  • If there are no errors, check for issues that display when searching by Info or other log levels.
  • If the information isn't helpful, proceed with the following steps.

2. If every data stream is out of date:

      • Connect 1:
        1. Remote into the Connect VM.
        2. Run the Connector from cmd (Run as Administrator). Switch directories to C:\Aviso\software, then enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar avisoConnector.jar port=8880
        3. Review the output to determine the issue.
      • Connect 2:
        1. Remote into the Connect VM.
        2. Check the Windows logs. A common issue is when the Connector cannot reach Drill; to resolve this restart Drill. Other log messages may reference issues with the data extract logic, missing permissions, etc. For more information about troubleshooting Drill, click here.
        3. Use the logging output to determine the issue.

3. If a single data stream XYZ is out of date:

      • Connect 1:
        1. Remote into the Connect VM.
        2. Edit the config.groovy file. Temporarily, add the following line into config.groovy in order to restrict the Connector job to run only for data stream XYZ:  streams.streamNames = [‘XYZ’]
        3. Remove this line from config.groovy after troubleshooting the results.
        4. Run the Connector from cmd (Run as Administrator). Switch directories to C:\Aviso\software, then enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar avisoConnector.jar port=8880
        5. Review the output to determine the issue.
      • Connect 2:
        1. Remote into the Connect VM.
        2. Browse to the logs found at C:\Aviso\Connect2.
        3. CTRL-F ‘XYZ’ to find the stream and check what is wrong.
        4. If the logs are not helpful - Edit application.properties. Add the following to restrict the Connector job to run only stream XYZ: streams.streamNames = XYZ
        5. Remove this line from application.properties after troubleshooting the results.
        6. Run the Connector from cmd (Run as Administrator):a) On Windows: Switch directories to C:\Aviso\Connect2 then enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar connector-standalone.jar --spring.config.additional-location=C:/Aviso/Connect2/config/application.propertiesb) On Linux: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar connector-standalone.jar --spring.config.additional-location=/usr/local/etc/aviso/application.properties
        7. Review the output to determine the issue.

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