1. The first place to check for Connector issues is in Administration -> Advanced -> External Logging, filtering by Log Level "Error".
- If there are no errors, check for issues that display when searching by Info or other log levels.
- If the information isn't helpful, proceed with the following steps.
2. If every data stream is out of date:
Connect 1:
- Remote into the Connect VM.
- Run the Connector from cmd (Run as Administrator). Switch directories to C:\Aviso\software, then enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar avisoConnector.jar port=8880
- Review the output to determine the issue.
Connect 1:
Connect 2:
- Remote into the Connect VM.
- Check the Windows logs. A common issue is when the Connector cannot reach Drill; to resolve this restart Drill. Other log messages may reference issues with the data extract logic, missing permissions, etc. For more information about troubleshooting Drill, click here.
- Use the logging output to determine the issue.
Connect 2:
3. If a single data stream XYZ is out of date:
Connect 1:
- Remote into the Connect VM.
- Edit the config.groovy file. Temporarily, add the following line into config.groovy in order to restrict the Connector job to run only for data stream XYZ: streams.streamNames = [‘XYZ’]
- Remove this line from config.groovy after troubleshooting the results.
- Run the Connector from cmd (Run as Administrator). Switch directories to C:\Aviso\software, then enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar avisoConnector.jar port=8880
- Review the output to determine the issue.
Connect 1:
Connect 2:
- Remote into the Connect VM.
- Browse to the logs found at C:\Aviso\Connect2.
- CTRL-F ‘XYZ’ to find the stream and check what is wrong.
- If the logs are not helpful - Edit application.properties. Add the following to restrict the Connector job to run only stream XYZ: streams.streamNames = XYZ
- Remove this line from application.properties after troubleshooting the results.
- Run the Connector from cmd (Run as Administrator):a) On Windows: Switch directories to C:\Aviso\Connect2 then enter: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar connector-standalone.jar --spring.config.additional-location=C:/Aviso/Connect2/config/application.propertiesb) On Linux: java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar connector-standalone.jar --spring.config.additional-location=/usr/local/etc/aviso/application.properties
- Review the output to determine the issue.
Connect 2: