Current Grade Achievement Administration


The current grade achievement identifies students who have achieved a current grade above the specified threshold. The student will receive an achievement trophy on their profile as well as an optional email message from the success team.

  • Since the system will first fire current grade achievements if the matching conditions are found after the achievement is set to active, it is advised to activate the current grade achievement after faculty have verified that they have updated grades in the system.
  • The Current Grade Achivement will only run on courses in the current term.
  • By default, the Scheduled Job that generates Current Grade Achievements runs daily at 3:40 AM. Setting this to active will generate achievements the next time this job runs.




Name of the achievement.


Description of the achievement for administrative purposes.


Whether the achievement is active.

  • Current Grade Achievements will first fire after the achievement is made Active. There is a scheduled job that runs each day to find any grades that meet the achievement configuration settings, and if any are found, this will trigger an achievement.
  • When active, SS&E will look for students who have a current grade that meets the specification of this achievement, eg. is repeatable set to yes/no, number of days before repeating, is the grade threshold met etc.
  • Active Current Grade Achievements are included in the Activity feed.
  • When inactive, Current Grade Achievements do not display on the Activity feed.

Number of Days Until Expiration

The number of days the achievement will remain on the student's profile.

Staff Roles

The roles that can view and opt in to being notified of the achievement. This is done in a user's Settings area.

Staff UI Text

The template text that will be used on the news feed, in the daily digest email, and on the student's profile. This text is copied from the default text setup for the institution.

Notify Students

Whether to notify the student, by email, when the achievement is awarded.

Email Sent as System

Whether the email sent to the student is from the SS&E (checkbox checked) or the Coach/Advisor (not checked).

Email Subject Template Text

The subject text for the email to be sent to the student.

Email Body Template Text

The body text for the email to be sent to the student. The following variables may be used in the body of the email text:

  • ${advisorFullName} - Advisor Full Name
  • ${advisorTitle} - Advisor Title
  • ${coachFullName} - Coach Full Name
  • ${coachTitle} - Coach Title
  • ${studentFirstName} - Student First Name
  • ${studentFullName} - Student Full Name
  • ${courseCode} - Course Code
  • ${currentGrade} - Current Grade
  • ${courseSection} - Course Section

To access a courses code or grade, you will need to iterate through a list of the courses associated with the alert.

#@joinList($courses) ${item.grade} in ${item.code}#end


You may also use if statements within the body of the template text to hide/show specific content. For example, often the achievement will need to be from the Advisor or Success Coach. In this case, if we want to show the Success Coach if a student has one, but not the advisor. Or if want to show the Advisor if the student does not have a Success Coach, then create the following if statement:


Any variable listed above can be utilized in an if statement. For more information on how to create if-else type conditional statements please see this article:

You may also need to use for loops in order to list certain items in the email. For example, if you would like to let the student know his or her current grade, you will need to loop through all the courses that meet the criteria. Then you must access the grade property on a course to display it. If you would like to create a bullet pointed list of course grades then use the following code:


      #foreach($item in $courses)


    • ${item.code}: ${item.grade}




This will display the title of the course with the resulting grade next to it. 

Repeatable True/False

Whether the achievement can be sent multiple times to the same student.

  • If True, the achievement can be sent multiple times per student.
  • This setting determines whether or not the achievement can be repeated at any time. However, the first time a current grade achievement fires is after it is turned to "active".
  • If False, the achievement will not send again if the student has ever been sent this achievement alert at any time in the past.

Number of Days Before Repeating

The number of days before another achievement of this instance can be created.

Current Grade %

Enter a numeric value without a perecnt symbol that determines the current grade threshold of when this alert fires. If the student's current grade is greater than or equal to this value, an achievement will be created.

Included Tags

The tags this achievement will run for. If this is empty, no filtering on tags will occur.

Excluded Tags

The tags to exclude from this achievement.

Included Course Sections

The course sections this achievement will run for. If this is empty, no filtering on course section will occur.

Excluded Course Sections

The course sections to exclude from this achievement.

Included Programs

The programs this achievement will run for. If this is empty, no filtering by program will occur and all programs are eligible.

Excluded Programs

The programs to excluded from this achievement.

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