The attendance configuration screen permits the ability to configure SS&E's attendance features.
Enable Attendance Tracking
Whether attendance tracking is enabled within Student Success & Engagement.
- When checked, the transcript course attendance data feed will not import any attendance data and faculty will have the ability to record detailed attendance for their courses within SS&E.
- When unchecked, attendance records will import into SS&E on the Transcript Course Attendance data feed.
- Click here to view SIS Data Import Definitions.
- If transcript course attendance records are importing successfully into SS&E yet do not display on the Student - Courses - Course Section - Attendance tab, compare the attendance record dates to the associated Course Section Schedule Element record expiration date.
- Search the Course Section Schedule Element data extract by the courseSectionMeetingId displayed on the Transcript Course Attendance records that are "missing" from the UI.
- If the attendance dates are before the effectiveDate or past the course section meeting expirationDate, this explains why they are not being displayed on the UI.
- To fix this, the courseSectionScheduleElement.json record must import with an effectiveDate that is the first meeting date of the course section, and an expirationDate that is the last meeting date of the course section.
- This must be unchecked for Self-Service Attendance records to import into SS&E on the Transcript Course Attendance data feed.
- If left checked while trying to import attendance records, the Transcript Course Attendance data feed will display SIS Import Error messages for every record stating that "Attendance Tracking is enabled. Disable Attendance Tracking to import attendance records"
When importing attendance data (eg. this setting is unchecked), the imported attendance data will display on the student record Courses tab yet will not display on the roster page.
Attendance data will only be included on the course roster when attendance tracking is enabled (eg. this setting is checked) and attendance is entered from within SS&E.
Attendance Lock Threshold (days)
- The number of days after the end of a course section instructors can track and modify meeting attendance.
- Leave this blank to always leave course section attendance unlocked.
Allow Instructors to Cancel Course Section Meetings
- Whether Instructors are allowed to cancel course section meetings in SS&E.
Enable Excused Absences
- Whether excused absences can be created in SS&E.
Roles that can Manage Excused Absences
- The roles that are permitted to create excused absences.
Default Distance for Location-Based Enforcement (Meters)
- The default distance that is enforced when taking attendance through SS&E Student and "Enforce Location for Attendance" is enabled by the course instructor.
- Location detection is not always precise, so please account for some margin of error.
Enable Stopped/Never Attended
- Allows instructors to mark students as Stopped Attending or Never Attended particular courses.
- Only applicable if Attendance Tracking within Student Success & Engagement is enabled.