Reported Issue:
The Student's GPA is missing or displaying an incorrect value on the UI.
The student GPA is imported from the SIS on the Transcript data feed.
- If the GPA is missing or incorrect, then most likely the Transcript data feed is importing null or an incorrect value from the SIS Data Extract Definition/XML.
To fix this, use SIS Integration Administration to check the Transcript data view and the Transcript data extract to confirm if/where the GPA data is missing/incorrect.
From Student Success & Engagement, select the Admin app to check the following:
1. Go to SIS Integration -> Datafeeds, then scroll to the Transcript data feed and open the Imported Data View.
2. Enter the Student Id in the person_src_system_id (Person Id) to search for their transcript record in the SS&E database. The imported data view should match what is displayed on the UI throughout SS&E.
- If the Student Id does not return any results, use the Person data feed Imported Data View to find the person_src_system_id by searching for the Person Id as the username and/or Institutional ID.
- The data feed imported data view should always match the data displayed in SS&E on the UI. Therefore, if the GPA is displayed incorrectly or missing from the UI, we expect the GPA to be incorrect or missing and match what is/isn't displayed on the student record in the UI.
3. Check the GPA data received from the SIS Data Extract by searching the transcript.json file.
- To download the Transcript data extract, from SIS Integration -> Datafeeds, scroll to the Transcript data feed and right-click on Download Extract, then "Save link as...".
- Search the transcript.json file by the Person Id to find the GPA data being imported from the SIS on the student's transcript record.
- For instructions on how to view the SIS Integration Data Extract (Json) files click here.
4. Compare the GPA data from step 3 (from the data extract) with the GPA data found in step 2 (in SS&E).
- If they match/are both missing or incorrect, then the GPA data needs to be fixed in the data extract definitions so that it will import and display correctly in SS&E. For more information about troubleshooting the SIS Data Integration, click here.
- If the GPA in step 2 is missing or incorrect, yet the GPA data in the Transcript data extract (found in step 3) is correct, the next step is to check for SIS Import Errors that are preventing the GPA data from importing. If needed, please open a support ticket for further assistance.