FTP Data Integration

  • Data Integration from FTP - As Data Source

    The Course Evaluations & Surveys FTP data import as data source feature allows you to FTP files of course information and corresponding student and instructor enrollments directly to Course Evaluations & Surveys, which can then be used to search and select for inclusion in desired Projects. Additionally, the Enrollment Refresh feature can be used to automate the u...

  • FTP as Data Source Enrollment Refresh

    After transferring courses/enrollments via FTP as Data Source, a refresh of the student and/or instructor enrollments can be scheduled in order to automate updating enrollment adds and drops within for select courses from the current FTP Data Source.   Operational Steps In the project, navigate to the Users tab. Click on Data Import drop down menu and select FTP as...

  • Data Integration from FTP - Direct into Projects

    The Course Evaluations & Surveys FTP data import direct into projects feature allows you to FTP files of course information and corresponding student, instructor, and teaching assistant enrollments directly into your already created Course Evaluations & Surveys project(s). OPERATIONAL STEPS FTP Folder A FTP Folder will be setup by Course Evaluations & Surveys whe...