Syllabus Email Notification Options

During implementation, you will be asked to select the email notification type you wish to use for the Syllabus Management System. You can choose to have one type of email notification set up for the system, or you can choose to have both set up for one system - this depends on how often you want the users to be notified of active proposals that require their attention.

The email notification messages are listed below along with a description of each type. Any text located in the between the $ symbols indicates proposal specific text. If "Link" is included between these symbols, it links out to the associated proposal. We can modify the messaging, but the change would effect all email notifications associated with that type.

Email notifications are only sent once per workflow state, per proposal. It is then up to the user to follow through with any actions required from the notification. A notification will not be sent again for the same proposal if left in the same workflow state unless both Instant and Scheduled emails are set up for the system. This can be accomplished upon request to our support team.

Instant: Email notification is sent out a few moments after a proposal moves from one step of the workflow to the next.

  • Submitter: The original submitter will receive an email notification when their proposal has moved to the next step of workflow, if a proposal is returned to them, or their proposal has been approved.
  • Reviewers: Users that are part of the approval process will receive an email notification when a proposal is ready for them to review or has been returned to them from a later step of workflow.

Scheduled: All relevant proposal information is provided on a weekly scheduled basis (ex. daily, Tues/Thurs, Mon/Wed/Fri).

  • An email is sent out on the designated day(s) as long as that user, reviewer, or committee has a proposal to review/approve.
  • If there are no proposals waiting at a step, the users associated with that step will not receive an email notification.
  • We do not have email reminders in the system, so this option can act as a reminder.
  • Submitter: Provides status (current step of workflow, returned to them for revision, or approved) of their proposal on designated day(s). Once the submitter gets the notification that their proposal was approved, they will no longer receive email notifications for that proposal.
  • Reviewers: On designated day(s), reviewers will receive a notification with a list of proposals that need to be reviewed or approved by their step in the workflow process. 
Notification Key  
$proposalNameLink$ Title of the proposal with a link directly to the proposal
$itemDisplayName$ Title of the proposal
$proposalType$ Form Type selected when creating the proposal (ex. New Course, Change Course, etc.)
$allProposals-Links$ Provides a list of all proposal titles with a link to each proposal listed
$oldWorkflowState$ Proposal's previous workflow step
$currentWorkflowState$ Proposal's current workflow step
$allProposals-Links-NewWFs$ Provides a list of all proposal titles and their current workflow state with a link to each proposal listed
$unsubscribe$ Provides the user a link to unsubscribe from email notifications

Instant Notification Messages

Email Workbox Action

Subject: IQ Curriculum Action: $itemDisplayName$ $proposalType$


Proposal$proposalNameLink$ is in your workbox ready for review.

If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails please $unsubscribe$ and select "All Workbox Emails" or "All Emails".

Email Originator Action

Subject: IQ Curriculum Information: $itemDisplayName$ $proposalType$


Your submitted proposal $proposalNameLink$ has been moved from $oldWorkflowState$ to $currentWorkflowState$.

If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails please $unsubscribe$ and select "All Originator Emails" or "All Emails".

Email Return to Submitter

Subject: IQ Curriculum Action: $itemDisplayName$ $proposalType$


Your submitted proposal $proposalNameLink$ has been moved from $oldWorkflowState$ to $currentWorkflowState$.

If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails please $unsubscribe$ and select "All Return to Submitter Emails" or "All Emails".

Scheduled Notification Messages

Email Workbox Action

Subject: IQ Curriculum Action: Workbox Proposals


The following proposals are in your workbox ready for review.


If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails please $unsubscribe$ and select "All Workbox Emails" or "All Emails".

Email Originator Action

Subject: IQ Curriculum Information: $itemDisplayName$ $proposalType$


Your submitted proposals:


If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails please $unsubscribe$ and select "All Originator Emails" or "All Emails".

Email Return to Submitter

Subject: IQ Curriculum Action: Return to Submitter


The following proposals have been returned to you.


If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails please $unsubscribe$ and select "All Return to Submitter Emails" or "All Emails".

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