Enhancements to System Administration
Ability to Delete Programs (With and Without Associated Planning & Self-Study Data)
The ability to fully delete Programs - with or without associated Planning & Self-Study data - is now functional within System Administration. Now, when a System Administrator goes to delete a Program, a validation check will notify the Administrator if there is associated data or not.
- If there is no associated data, the delete will be confirmed.
- If there is associated data, the Administrator will need to complete a waiver (see below image) in order to acknowledge that:
- With the deletion of the respective program all of the following potential associations to that program will also be removed in Planning & Self Study, including:
- Mission statement
- Courses aligned to the program
- Assessment leads associated with the program. Reviewers would not be able to review the program’s plan review previously aligned.
- Outcomes (Learning, Success, Archived) associated with the program. Measures and results associated with these outcomes will be removed.
- The deleted program will also be removed from any:
- Strategic Plan
- Assessment Plan
- Program Review
- The retrieval of the Program delete is not possible
- With the deletion of the respective program all of the following potential associations to that program will also be removed in Planning & Self Study, including:
This example shows an administrator in the process of deleting a program in System Administration. Associated product data was found, and the administrator must acknowledge the implications of the hard delete by checking the boxes of potential associated data that will be deleted.