This release brings a new level of administrative visibility to the criteria you used to select subjects for your faculty review process schedules. Plus you'll find some accessibility enhancements to improve the experience for those who use screen readers with Faculty Success.
Reviews, Promotion & Tenure
Visibility to Subject Selections and Submissions in Schedules
We’ve updated the “View” links in Schedules to have two options:
- View Subject Selections
- View Submissions (new!)
Before, once a schedule was launched, you couldn't see the criteria you used to select subjects. Now, you can! This way you can review your launched schedules and see how you chose the participants (and who you might have excluded). While this is a small change, it’s setting us up to let you add a subject to a confirmed or running schedule. More to come on that in a few weeks!
VoiceOver Accessibility
This release also included updates to address accessibility issues in VoiceOver. Users who leverage screen readers to navigate the system will find that:
- Tabbing through the configuration table announces the step in focus. Previously it announced just the first Faculty Step.
- The “Add step” modal correctly announces the number of items within it. Previously it was overstating the number.
- Changing step visibility is now announced.