Report Builder got an important update in this week's release! We’re also glad to announce that it’s safe to remove any old IP safelisting settings that were used prior to the upgrade we did to our email support this spring. ||
Pull reports from real-time data with Report Builder
Reports you build using Report Builder now pull from your live data (instead of a cache refreshed nightly) so you can review the most up-to-date results as responses roll in. For more on Report Builder functionality, check out the Report Builder 2.0 article.All-clear! It's safe to remove IP addresses from email safelisting
As part of upgrading our support for course evaluation and survey email notifications earlier this spring, we introduced changes that ensure email deliverability without requiring you to safelist specific IP addresses. Now that we’re well past this infrastructure upgrade, it’s safe to work with your campus IT team to remove the following IP addresses from any safelist settings you’ve configured on your campus email servers:
You can also safely remove any specific safelisting you’ve done on your email servers for the domain.Please keep any safelisting you’ve configured for the domain and retain the record entry if your institution leverages Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for email safelisting.
And if you use Active Directory to support single sign-on for Course Evaluations & Surveys, please note that these IP addresses above are different from those used to support that integration. You can safely remove the IP addresses above without disrupting your users ability to log into the system.
For more information on our current email safelisting recommendations, please see Course Evaluations & Surveys Email Safelist Information.