After transferring courses/enrollments via FTP as Data Source, a refresh of the student and/or instructor enrollments can be scheduled in order to automate updating enrollment adds and drops within for select courses from the current FTP Data Source.
Operational Steps
In the project, navigate to the Users tab.
Click on Data Import drop down menu and select FTP as Data Source.
Refresh Schedule
Schedule a date & time for the Enrollment Refresh OR
Setup recurring instances of the Enrollment Refresh to update enrollments within the Course Evaluations & Surveys project every X days within a specified time frame.
Choose to exclude courses from the Enrollment Refresh where the survey has ended for both course-level and project-level end dates prior to the Enrollment Refresh scheduled run date.
Select to Refresh Student enrollments and/or Instructor enrollments (see important note below on refreshing instructor enrollments).
By default, the Enrollment Refresh will adjust any enrollments already in the Course Evaluations & Surveys project to align with what is in the current FTP data source (by adding new enrollments and dropping enrollments not in the FTP data source). If you wish to specifically manage adding or dropping enrollments, you can deselect Add Students to Course Evaluations & Surveys or Drop Students from Course Evaluations & Surveys to disable either the add or drop functionality of this feature.
Click Save.
Additional Information
You can schedule multiple refresh instances here.
Enrollments in the FTP file data source must be updated prior to running the enrollment refresh.
Enrollment refreshes can occur before, during or after a project has ended.
Students who have already submitted survey responses and are dropped from a course within the project will have their results deleted from the project results. Even if the student is eventually reenrolled in the course, the deleted data can not be restored.
If you schedule an enrollment refresh for a date/time in the past, it will refresh for that project immediately.
Dependent on the amount of courses/enrollments within your project will determine the length of time that the refresh takes to update enrollments within a project.
If you are using the Team-Taught functionality and your surveys have already started, do not refresh instructor enrollments. Dropping instructor enrollments from team-taught courses where survey responses have already been collected can cause problems with the survey results.