Branching question types allow you to manage the questions presented to a respondent, based on the user’s response options. This functionality allows you to target questions based on a user’s selection and streamline survey-taking for the student/respondent. You can also easily pull results via standard reporting in Course Evaluations & Surveys.
Setting up Branching Question Types:
Branching questions (sometimes referred to as skip logic) can be considered as having a parent/child relationship. Only Single Selection questions can be setup with branching logic, a child question can be any of the following:
Single Selection
Multiple Selection
Numeric Selection
Open Ended Text Response
Survey Label
Things to Know:
Parent questions with branched logic cannot be enabled for Team Taught but the children can.
Sequencing is very important. Please ensure that while setting up questions with branched logic that the children are placed in the appropriate order.
The below screenshots illustrate the initial setup of questions in a survey. By clicking the branch icon, you'll be presented with an additional window where you can set up the questions for your response options.
By adding the question here, if a student answers Very Satisfied they'll be presented with the question selected in the field below.
Once complete, questions referenced by branch logic will have a View link. Upon clicking View, a secondary dialogue lists the parent question with each response option that has branching logic.
A survey can have both branching and non-branching questions.
Branching and non-branching questions can be made required, including the children.
You can reuse a child question for additional branched questions.
To reuse a child question for additional branched questions.
Reorder the sequence of the previously used child question. This means the child will show directly under the additional branched question.
Use the number field and arrows below to move the sequence of the question. Note: This is not exclusive to branching question types.
Survey Taking Workflow
Once your survey setup has been completed and used in a deployed project, a user will be presented with the expected questions: