About the Evaluator Form Response Report
The Evaluation Form Responses Report allows you to generate a report based on the evaluations completed using custom forms built using the Form Builder. It provides a way to see aggregated results for both the entire group of respondents and for individual respondents. This report enables you to compare submission evaluation form responses for a single requirement of a DRF.
The Evaluation Form Responses Report can only be used to aggregate data for forms used as evaluation methods. The aggregation of data from forms used for Author submission purposes is done by the Author Form Response Report.
Generating the Evaluator Form Response Report
To begin, click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar.
From the TS Coordinator menu, click DRF Program Reports
Then, click Evaluation Form Responses from the Form & Survey Reports section of the Reports Menu.
In the Select form on which to run report area, select a form from the drop-down menu.
In the Select on whom within program to report area, you can choose to include:
- All Authors
- All Authors grouped with a specific Evaluator
- Random sample of Authors (If you select to report on a random sample of Authors, you are prompted to select the sample size of the group you want to return. You can select to include anywhere from 1% of the Authors enrolled in the Program to 50% of the Authors enrolled in the Program. You need to select from which Programs you want to pull the sample)
Note: The random sample can include Authors who have not been evaluated. The only search combination that youvcannot select is Random sample of Author AND Include all responses. The system advises you of the fact.
- A single Author
- Advanced Search (The advanced search option allows you to run reports on individuals based on certain demographic information, or other advanced search criteria. The demographic descriptors used in the advanced search criteria provide a mechanism for an organization to gather specific information about the subscribers within that organization.)
In the Filter by evaluation date area, you can choose whether you want to include:
- All evaluations
- ONLY Author-submitted items within a specific date range (use the calendar widgets to select your dates or enter dates free-form in the mm/dd/yyyy format)
- ONLY items evaluated within a specific date range (use the calendar widgets to select your dates or enter dates free-form in the mm/dd/yyyy format)
- After making your selections, click Continue.
From the Select Cases area, choose from a list of all programs and specific requirements where the form is being used for data collection.
Only requirements for which there has been at least one evaluation are displayed. Each TS Coordinator is only able to view the Programs for which they are Report Managers.
Click Continue.
Navigating the Report Results
The initial main report results page displays summary statistics on both the overall form submissions and the specific form elements.
Click the link for a specific form element or corresponding magnifying glass to access the Report Details.
The top section of the detail views displays:
- The name of the form
- The date the report was generated
- The date range, if a date filter is being used
- The number of evaluations
- Form element details: response type and response options
The View all responses for all respondents view is available from the Show pull-down menu on the Main Results page.
The top section of this view displays:
- The name of the form
- The date the report was generated
- The case(s) where this form has been used
- The number of Authors that have been evaluated out of the total possible
This view enables you to see the responses from each Evaluator to all form elements at the same time in addition to:
- The name of the Author
- The name of the Evaluator
- The date the Author submitted
- The date of the evaluation