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4 Challenges Solved by Faculty Activity Reporting

Administrators have traditionally relied on calling and emailing faculty members and department chairs to collect information about their faculty’s activities each time it’s required. This can be a cumbersome process. Read on to understand the main challenges universities face in reporting on faculty activity and the ways a centralized data management system addresses those challenges to deliver a streamlined reporting process.

14 Best Practices for Efficiently Entering Data into Faculty Success

A key step in implementing Faculty Success is entering existing faculty activity information. This guide offers best practices that Faculty Success has gleaned from clients’ experiences during the data-entry phase, as well as our own experiences with two sizeable data-entry pilot projects where we entered more than 700 full CVs into Faculty Success.

Faculty Activity Reporting and SACS

SACS-COC accreditation is a foundational part of every southern university that falls within its boundaries, and is thus very important to higher educational institutions. In this eBook, we will detail the common data management challenges associated with SACS accreditation and Faculty Rosters, and discuss how a faculty activity reporting solution can help institutions overcome these challenges not only effectively, but efficiently.

Transforming AACSB Reporting

Accreditation by AACSB International is critical for business schools seeking to attract the best students and faculty possible and a Faculty Activity Reporting Solution can help streamline the process. Visit our in-depth overview of the latest changes in AACSB standards that will require even more robust faculty activity reporting, as well as what you can do to help faculty and staff breathe easier during the re-accreditation process.

Conduction Proper Pilot Testing

A faculty activity reporting system can revolutionize how your organization handles annual reporting, accreditation and other vital tasks — but implementing such a system campus-wide is a large undertaking. To ensure success, the implementation process should include careful planning and preparation. We see pilot testing as the easiest way to eliminate risk and incorporate feedback while rolling out the software to your university. To assist in your pilot testing process, we've created a guide to conducting pilot testing as well as a template for capturing feedback.

6 Reasons Your Faculty Will Love Faculty Activity Reporting Software

Faculty Success has an array of benefits for your faculty so ensure they know the benefits. With this faculty handout, your users can be informed as to why a Faculty Activity Reporting system is the best solutions.

Quick Guide to Faculty Activity Reporting

This short piece explains faculty activity reporting, faculty activity reporting software and reasons a university would implement such a system. In addition to the quick guide, we've provided a glossary of key terms to know when considering faculty activity reporting software. 

Keys to a Successful Implementation

The implementation of Faculty Success is a multi-faceted project, requiring proper oversight and input from the right people on campus. To help facilitate a seamless implementation, we've curated a list of the key tasks to ensure success. This document will help you overcome challenges and put you on the path to a successful implementation.



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