How To Sync Course Evaluations & Surveys Reports to Faculty Success

The steps outlined in this article are recommended to be followed after the integration of Course Evaluations & Surveys to Faculty Success is finished. 


We have created a checklist to complete before proceeding. 

☐ Verify the project from which the results report will be retrieved has the status "Ended" in Course Evaluations & Surveys.

☐ Scheduled Teaching records for the term corresponding to the Course Evaluations & Surveys project being synced have been added to Faculty Success.

One of the following must be completed:

☐ Course code in Course Evaluations & Surveys follow the format: CourseCode is the same as CoursePre-CourseNum-SectionNum

☐ Course code from Course Evaluations & Surveys has been added to the corresponding Scheduled Teaching records in Faculty Success for the term being synced. Each course code must be unique, meaning you cannot reuse the same code across different terms or academic years. Ensure that every course has its own distinct course code to avoid any conflicts during the syncing process. 

The course code shared by the two applications will be used by the system to find matching courses between the two applications. This is why it is critical that your Course Evaluations & Surveys course code follows the recommended format, each course has its own unique code and that existing Scheduled Teaching records in Faculty Success contain their corresponding course code for the term for which the sync is being performed. When a sync is completed, reports from Course Evaluations and Surveys will be attached to their corresponding courses in Faculty Success in the designated file upload field with the field code UPLOAD_WM_COURSE_EVAL.


Note: The fields and codes for the Scheduled Teaching screen can be found in your Configuration Report. A CSV Data Import can be used to create Scheduled Teaching records in bulk, and course load into Faculty Success can be automated using Web Services.


Getting Started 

When a project for course evaluations closes and instructors receive access to their results in Course Evaluations & Surveys, the Faculty Success administrator can initiate to pull the results from Course Evaluations & Surveys into Faculty Success by following these steps. 

  1.  From your Navigation Bar in Faculty Success select the Tools utility and go to "Course Evaluation Management" 
    Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 7.04.42 AM.png
  2. Fill out the fields on the Course Evaluation Management page. Once the fields have been filled out, click the "Sync Evals" button.
    Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 7.08.55 AM.png
    Note: Only completed projects where the reports are available to instructors will appear in the Project list. The Report Types that will be available will depend on which ones you have enabled for the Instructor in the Course Evaluations & Surveys's Reporting Results Settings. 


  3. After clicking the "Sync Evals" button, the status will remain as "Attachment Pending" until the sync has been completed and the system will update this status every 5 minutes. Depending on the number of courses in the project, this may take a few minutes to a few hours. Do not start a new sync while one is already in progress. Once the sync has been completed, the status will change to either "Attached" or "Attachment Failed."
    Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 7.13.23 AM.png

How to Download and Remove the Sync Results

The sync results can be downloaded or removed by selecting the desired outcome from the Actions column menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the drop down arrow for the corresponding sync.


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