D2L Brighstpace LTI 1.3 Deep Linking Set Up and Usage

Enabling Deep Linking as part of SL&L’s LTI 1.3 Set Up in D2L

Note #1: If you are setting up a new LTI 1.3 integration for SL&L in D2L, please follow the steps 1-18 provided under the Admin Setup Instructions heading of this help center article. Once you are done and want to enable Deep Linking as part of your LTI 1.3 set up, you can use the information provided below (steps #4 to 11) while setting up the Tool Deployment.

Note #2: If you have already set up an LTI 1.3 integration for SL&L in D2L and want to enable Deep Linking as part of your LTI 1.3 set up, you can use the information provided below.


1. In your D2L administrator account, click the Admin Tools icon External Learning Tools

2. Go to the LTI Advantage tab

3. Click the link of the Deployment set up for D2L’s integration with SL&L.

4. Select the checkbox for the Deep Linking option available under the Extensions field and click Save (if you are setting up a new Deployment, please ensure that you have also completed the other steps provided under the Tool Deployment heading of this help center article before saving).



5. Click the View Links option at the bottom of the deployment which will open the Links page in a new tab.



6. Click the New Link button on the Links page.



7. Enter a title of your choice in the box for the Name field (it would be good to provide a title that indicates that the link corresponds to Deep Linking or that indicates that this link enables bulk creation and linking of D2L assignments with SL&L activities).

8. For the URL field, enter: https://sll.watermarkinsights.com/via/lti/v1p3/deeplink

9. For the Type field, select the value Deep Linking Quicklink

10. Once you select the Deep Linking Quicklink value for the Type field, a couple of boxes for Width (default value set to 800) and Height (default value set to 600) will be displayed.

a. These are the dimensions of the dialog in which the Deep Linking workflow gets rendered in D2L. The ideal values that ensure that the dialog displays correctly on different screen-sizes are: Width = 1450 and Height = 600

11. Click Save.


Using Deep Linking to Bulk Create and Link D2L Assignments to SL&L Activities

Once you have enabled Deep Linking for your LTI 1.3 integration between D2L and SL&L, your D2L Course Admins and D2L Course Instructors can begin to use it to bulk create and link D2L assignments based on SL&L activities.

1. The D2L Course Admins and D2L Course Instructors can access the Deep Linking workflow from their D2L Course from the Existing Activities menu for any module in the Content area (you can reach out to your D2L Administrator to know about the title of the Deep Linking access point).

2. Once you access the Deep Linking workflow option, a pop up will be displayed where in you will be able to view a paginated list of activities (20 activities per page) from the course sections that you have access to in SL&L

a. If you are an administrator in SL&L, you will see a list of activities from open course sections that belong to the hierarchy nodes to which you have access.

b. If you are an instructor in SL&L, you will see a list of activities from the open course sections for which you an the instructor.

c. The list only includes activities that have been published, but are not linked to any LMS assignment.

3. You can filter the list of activities in the following ways:

a. By searching based on Activity Title, Course Code, and Section Name

b. Using the View drop-down: This drop-down enables you to filter the list of activities based on 3 options.

i. Activities from all sections: Selecting this option displays a list of published, but unlinked activities from all open course sections that you have access to in SL&L.

NOTE: If you do not have access to any open course sections as an SL&L Administrator or an SL&L Course Instructor OR if no published activities have been created in the open course sections that you have access to as an SL&L Administrator or an SL&L Course Instructor OR if all activities from the open course that you have access to as an SL&L Administrator or an SL&L Course are already linked to an LMS assignment, an empty state message will be displayed.


ii. Activities from matched sections: Selecting this option displays a list of published, but unlinked activities from course sections that you have access to in SL&L, which match the D2L Course (through which you have accessed the Deep Linking workflow page) based on Section ID or Section Name.

NOTE: From among the open course sections to which you have access as an SL&L Administrator or an SL&L Course Instructor, if there are no course sections that match the D2L course (through which you have accessed the Deep Linking workflow page) based on Section ID or Section Name OR if no published activities have been created in the course sections that match the D2L course (through which you have accessed the Deep Linking workflow page) based on Section ID or Section Name OR if all published activities from the course sections that match the D2L course (through which you have accessed the Deep Linking workflow page) based on Section ID or Section Name are already linked to an LMS assignment, an empty state message will be displayed if you select the Activities from matched sections option.

iii. Selected Activities: Selecting this option displays a list of activities that you have selected after accessing the Deep Linking workflow page.

NOTE: If you have not made any selections on the Deep Linking workflow page, an empty state message will be displayed if you select the Selected Activities option.


NOTE: When you access the Deep Linking workflow page, if there is an SL&L Course Section or Course Sections that match the D2L Course (through which you have accessed the Deep Linking workflow page) based on Section ID or Section Name, the list will display activities from the matched Course Section or Course Sections by default i.e. the View drop-down on the page will default to the option Activities from matched sections.


4. Search and select the activities that you would like to create and link as D2L Assignments.

5. Click the Add Activities button.

NOTE: The selected SL&L activities will be created as assignments in the D2L Course and the created D2L assignments would also be linked to the corresponding SL&L activities.


NOTE: The assignments that get created in D2L would also have a grade item selection with the same title as the assignment. Thus, when using the Deep Linking option, the Auto Create Grade Item option should be unchecked in D2L’s LTI 1.3 integration set up with SL&L (please refer the second option mentioned in point #9 under the Tool Deployment section of this help center article)

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