Canvas- Defining the Met Criteria for Activity Alignments
Watermark Support
Users have the ability to define the Met Criteria, which involves specifying the thresholds that must be achieved for criteria to be defined as having been Met. The following steps outline how to define the met criteria for each type of activity alignment.
Point-Based Activities
Navigate to the activity alignment section, and select "Define Met Criteria".
Enter the required met score in the provided field, ensuring that the score is a whole number.
Click "Apply Met Criteria"
Rubric-Based Activities
Navigate to the activity alignment section, and select "Define Met Criteria"
Choose an Option to Define the Met Criteria
Option 1: Use Overall Rubric Score
Enter the required overall rubric score, ensuring that the score is a whole number.
Click "Apply Met Criteria":
Option 2: Use Rubric Criteria Results
Choose at least one criterion from the rubric.
Click "Next" to proceed.
For each selected criterion, define the met threshold for the performance levels.