Users have the ability to define the Met Criteria, which involves specifying the thresholds that must be achieved for criteria to be defined as having been Met.
The process for defining the Met Criteria for rubric alignments includes two options:
- using the overall rubric score
- using specific rubric criteria results
Using the Overall Rubric Score
With this method, users need to provide a total score for the rubric that represents the Met Criteria.
Steps to set the Overall Rubric Score as the Met Criteria:
- Click "Define Met Criteria".
- Specify the overall rubric score (a required field, which must be a whole number).
- Click "Apply Met Criteria".
Applying a score that meets the Met Criteria
Using Rubric Criteria Results
With this method, users specify which criteria within the rubric will be assessed to determine if the outcome is met.
Steps to use Rubric Criteria Results as the Met Criteria:
- Select at least one criterion from the rubric, then click "Next".
- Select the Met Threshold for the performance levels for the chosen criteria.
- Click "Apply Met Criteria".
Selecting the Performance Levels that meet the Met Threshold