Advanced Canvas Integration for Planning & Self-Study

Watermark's Advanced Canvas Integration with Planning & Self Study allows for greater flexibility in data collection from the LMS in order to gain better insights into student learning and performance.

Required Data

The Planning & Self-Study Advanced Canvas Integration requires additional files to be uploaded to System Administration.

The table below lists the files required for use of Planning & Self Study with the integration:

CSV Import

Required or Optional

Recommended Frequency of Updating



One time import



Update as programs are added or removed



  • PSS Users

  • Students

Needs reviewed each new term


Required for mapping to terms from the LMS.

Can build out a year in advance



Needs reviewed each new term


Required for mapping to courses from the LMS.

Needs reviewed each new term



Needs reviewed each new term

Basic Person Attributes

Required if filtering by student demographics

  • Gender

  • race/ethnicity

  • First_generation

  • Pell eligibility


Student Term Attributes

Required if filtering by student demographics

  • Primary major


Program Curriculum


Needs reviewed each new term

Note: Cohort Enrollment data is not required for Planning & Self Study.


The steps to pulling data from Canvas are as follows:

  • Creating a Measure to pull Canvas data into
  • Aligning the Measure to a Rubric or Activity in Canvas
  • Defining the Met Criteria

All of these steps are described in further detail in the resources linked below. 

Creating a New Measure

The first step in the integration is to build a Measure into which the data from Canvas can be pulled. 

While there are three areas in Planning & Self Study where Measures can be created, for the purposes of the integration, Measures must be created in the Outcomes area. 

This process is described in further detail in the section titled "Creating Measures in the Outcomes Area" of the article linked below:

Adding Measures to an Outcome


Adding an Alignment

Administrators and Contributors can add alignments to a Measure of a learning outcome. Alignments can be made to either a rubric or an activity. Users must select the source before choosing the alignment type. Follow the steps below to add an alignment by Rubric or Activity.

For more information on Aligning a Measure to a Rubric or Activity, see the article linked below:

Adding an Alignment to a Measure


Defining the Met Criteria for Rubric and Activity Alignments

Users have the ability to define the Met Criteria, which involves specifying the thresholds that must be achieved for criteria to be defined as having been Met. 

The process for defining the Met Criteria for rubric alignments includes two options:

  • using the overall rubric score
  • using specific rubric criteria results

For information on defining the Met Criteria for Rubric Alignments, see the article linked below:

Defining the Met Criteria for Rubric Alignments

For information on defining the Met Criteria for Activity Alignments, see the article linked below:

Defining the Met Criteria for Activity Alignments


Articles in this section

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