Before deciding on whether to assess at the program level or course level, it's best to review the questions below.
- Do you currently have course-level outcomes?
- Do you have program-level outcomes?
- Do you plan to assess and report on both the course and program levels?
Note: You can bring in course data to assess a program without assessing at the course level.
The matrix below represents the overall impact at each level of the university.
Program Level
The program level brings course information in but focuses on the program.
- The system will have data on whether program learning outcomes are being met/not met
- Program-level assessment can still assess course-level data
- Files required: 5 (organization, programs, people, courses, program curriculum)
Course Level
The course level will be assessed over the course's individualized outcomes.
- The system will be assessed on whether course learning outcomes are being met/not met
- Requires import of individual course learning outcomes into the system
- Files required: 7 (organization, programs, people, courses, program curriculum, terms, sections)
Terms and Sections will need to be maintained regularly.
Note: You can also proceed with program-level assessment for implementation purposes and later add the necessary files for course-level assessment.