Student Learning & Licensure Release Notes for April 23, 2024

Communication Management - Notify External Applicant of Application Status

This feature holds three Program Application notifications, Application Accepted, Application Denied, and Application conditionally Accepted to support prompt communication of application status between program administrators and students

Accept and Merge Applications When Applying Student Does Not Have SLL User ID

Administrator users will now be able to create applications for the users who are not part of SLL.

While creating the application templates, users will now see three default mandatory fields:-

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Institution Email

The aforementioned mandatory components will be reflected in all the existing application templates on the server. Users can add additional components using the ‘Insert Component’ button.


On selecting “Publish & Distribute Now” button while publishing application template, users will be navigated to Distribute Application page where they will see options to create internal as well as external application. External applications will be used for the student users who are not part of SLL.


Clicking Continue button after selecting “External Applicants” option will navigate the user to the distribution page


User has to fill in the required fields. Toggling the ‘Available for Submissions’ option to “Opened” will make this application accessible to the users when URL for this application is shared with them. User can change the application type via “Change Application Type” button. This button will be hidden if student submission has been received for that particular application

Clicking Save and Generate URL button will display a modal where the URL is displayed along with the actionable buttons.


On clicking “Save and Copy URL Now” will copy the URL and user can share the same with the external users.

A filter type “Audience” will be displayed in the Applications sub tab. This filter will have the following options;-

  1. All Audiences
  2. Internal
  3. External

Search results can be filtered accordingly.

URL for the external application can also be copied from the over flow menu


External users will get the following view on accessing the external application URL shared with them:-


They need to fill the required fields along with the Captcha. On clicking Submit button they will see the following screen. Only one submission is allowed per email address.


Administrators will see the submissions for the external applications on clicking the name of the application created under Applications sub tab. The name of the term which has received the recent submissions will be displayed in the eye brow of the application card.


Users can change the term by clicking the ‘Edit settings’ option from the overflow menu


On changing the term and saving the application, a new instance for the same application for the selected term will be created. If the term is not changed, the term drop down will be reset if the application stays closed for 60 consecutive days.


Clicking the application name will display the term along with the submissions details for which recent submission has been made.


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Administrator user can review the applicant by clicking their individual names or clicking ‘Start Reviewing’ button. The review process is similar to what we have for internal applications. Users will also be able to open/close the application using the overflow menu for the Application Details cards. This has been implemented for both internal as well as external application. For external applications, we have introduced the email functionality.

An email will be sent to the student applicant as soon as administrators completes the review.

Administrators can control the communication from the Settings side menu. Under Communication Management, a new sub tab “Program Applications” has been added. Clicking the sub tab will display the various status emails that will be send to the applicants, once their review has been done. The default value for all the three emails will be Active.

Users can view the content by clicking the pencil icon for the headers:-



Users can add additional content that will be appended in the email sent to the applicant.

The subject for the emails received will be “Your Program Application Has Been Reviewed”

The content for the various emails will be as follows:-

Accepted Application:-


Denied Application:-


Conditionally Accepted:-

Administrators has to add a note for the applicant on selecting “Conditionally Accepted”. Entering the note is mandatory when Conditionally Accepted status is selected. Users can also add note or other status ‘Accepted/Denied’, but it is not mandatory for those cases. They can ask for a resubmission when application is marked Conditionally Accepted. Student applicants will get a link for resubmission in the email. They will also be able to see the note entered by the administrator.



Student applicants can resubmit the application by accessing the link received in the email. For security reasons they would not be able to download the already uploaded files in the application, but can upload new files and make changes to the application and resubmit.


Once the review process is complete, Administrators can merge the accounts for the accepted applicants with the System Administration account. A new button “BULK MERGE ACCEPTANCES WITH SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION” will be displayed as soon as user marks an application accepted.

They will also see similar options in the overflow menu for the accepted application.


Users can either bulk merge multiple student applicants using the Bulk Merge button or can also merge individual accounts using the overflow menu option ‘Search for System Administrator Match’.

On clicking ‘BULK MERGE ACCEPTANCES WITH SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION’, they will be navigated to a new page, where all accepted applicants will be displayed with their system administration match. The ones for which match is not found will get a tag ‘NO AVAILABLE SYSTEM MATCH’


The system administration match is fetched on the basis of the following criteria:-

  1. Email address- users with same email address is searched.
  2. First Name and Last Name- IF email address does not found, then user is matched on the basis of First Name and Last Name.
  3. First Name- If First name and Last Name match is not found then user matching the first name are fetched.

The system match is displayed on the main screen, users can still swap the match by clicking Swap button. On clicking Swap button, users will be navigated to the Search screen:-


Users can view the application details submitted by the student applicant by clicking ' View Submitted Application'


Users can also search using “Show Record Search”. They can search by entering the searching pattern and data will be fetched from system administration.


IF they do not want to select any user, then they can select “No Available Match” radio button, else they can select the searched user and click Swap button. This will match the student application with the searched system administration match. On swapping the tag for the user will be displayed as “User Updated Match”


Similarly administrators can search for system administration record for the student application for which ‘No Available System, Match’ tag is displayed by clicking the button “Search for System Administrator Record”


Once the administrator is satisfied with all the selected matches, they can click the verify button. This will indicate that they are ready to merge the account. The button at the top right corner will display the count for the student verified out of the total accepted students listed on this page. They can still swap the selection by clicking the swap button even after clicking the Verify button.


Users can also use the available filters to filter the results.

On clicking ‘MERGE 2 OF 3 RECORDS’ button, the merge process will be initiated and user will be navigated to the previous screen along with a snackbar.


The “Merged Record Status” column will reflect the status. Once merged, the student applicant name will be replaced with the system administration match. The merged accounts can be swapped if required using the option available in the overflow menu.


Note: Once the accounts are merged with system administration match, the Acceptance status for the student user could not be changed. On clicking the link of the student, the options to change the status will be hidden.


If a student applicant tries to access the URL for a close application, they will be presented with the following screen:-


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