Student Learning & Licensure Release Notes for January 16, 2024

Replace "Not Assigned" with "-" for Placement Dashboard

With this release, in New Placement Management, we have replaced “Not Assigned” with a dash (“-”) when no value is assigned on the Placement Dashboard. This change makes relevant information easier to find at a glance.

Increased flexibility for Activity Scheduler Due Date

When utilizing the activity scheduler, the due date has been expanded. Due dates for the activity scheduler can now be set up to 366 days or weeks.

Addition of two new assessment progress based statuses in Activity Data Extract

Activity Status Data Extract now includes two new activity statuses, “Assessment Saved” and “Assessment Submitted” to update the user with the assessment progress of each activity submitted by the student.

  • Assessment Saved - at least one assessor for the activity has begun reviewing a student’s submission and has saved their work
  • Assessment Submitted - at least one assessor for the activity has submitted their assessment, but there are additional assessor submissions that are required before the activity status is updated to Done

Notify students when a placement has been created

A new notification type has been added in Communication Management that sends an email to a student when a placement has been created for them. Customize this message to include additional information by appending the default message within Communication Management.

Allow placement coordinators to capture more mentor details

In New Placement Management a placement coordinator will be able to record the following data about Mentors:

  1. Years of experience in their field
  2. Certifications they have earned.
  3. Degrees they have earned.
  4. Years they have mentored
  5. License Number
  6. License Expiration Date

The updated mentor’s flyout will contain the additional details under the “Credentials” section (refer to the screenshot)

With this change, the mentor’s name is now clickable and will open the flyout with additional details. The clickable name has replaced the “Edit Mentor” button at the end of the table row.

Allow placement coordinators to capture more site coordinator details

In New Placement Management a placement coordinator will now be able to record the following information about Site Coordinator contacts:

  1. License Number
  2. License Exp. Date
  3. Degrees
  4. Qualifications
  5. A Primary Contact Checkbox

If a placement coordinator saves contact with the “Primary Contact” checkbox as selected, that particular contact becomes the primary contact for that site. Once the contact gets saved as primary contact it will be displayed with a “Primary Contact” Tag.

The additional credential details and notes can be seen by expanding the accordion available on the card.

Note: A partner site can only have one primary contact.

Addition of Courses Filter for Extracts

The addition of a new Course filter while generating the Extract will reduce the manual effort of filtering the exported CSV.

The change has been implemented for the following Extracts:

  • Placement Data
  • Rubric Assessment Data
  • Standards & Outcomes Data
  • Time Log Data
  • Activity Status Data
  • Form Submission Data
  • Observational Assessment Data

Please refer to the attached screenshot to get the exact location of the new course filter added in the Extract creation.

Students - Time Log History of Approved Hours

Students now have the option to view time logs from previous courses (closed sections). All in progress sections will now be available on the student’s “Courses” tab. All approved hours from closed course sections are available for the student to review and export on the “Time Logs” tab.

Restriction on linking of SLL activities that are already linked to an LMS assignment

With this release course section instructors would be able to clearly differentiate between SL&L activities (from a selected course section) that are already linked to an LMS assignment from SL&L activities that are not yet linked to any LMS assignment.

The system will also restrict the linking of SL&L activities that are already linked to an LMS assignment to a different LMS assignment. If an SL&L activity needs to be linked to a different LMS assignment, the course section instructor would need to unlink the SL&L activity from the existing LMS assignment it is linked to.

In the screen-shot provided above, the activity highlighted in yellow is an activity that is already linked to an LMS assignment, where as the activity highlighted in green is one that is not linked to any LMS assignment.

Additional placement details

With this release, in New Placement Management, users (i.e. students, mentors, and supervisors) will be able to see multiple cards for students’ placements along with the additional placement details (like Content Area, Grade Levels, Placement Details, Dates, and Placement ID) under the Placement Details tab, from their respective accounts.

  1. Student Login view:
  2. Mentor and Supervisor Login View:
    1. If a mentor/supervisor is aligned with more than one student, the placement cards for the students will be displayed in the collapsed state by default.
    1. The mentor/supervisor can expand the placement card to view the placement details for a student.

We have updated the placement history flyout to include the site address along with the site district and course name.

Additionally, we have updated the assign site flyout to include the site address along with the site name.



Gateways & Applications

Message implementation for log category deletion

Admin users will now see a message while viewing timelog requirement from the Licensure Plan sub of the cohort card, if the log category associated with the requirement has been deleted from SLL.

They can edit the requirement by clicking ‘Edit requirement’ link to select a new log category for the requirement.

They can now select new log category by clicking “Add Log Category” button and course for the same requirement. Hitting ‘Save’ button will navigate the user to the timelog requirement in the Licensure Plan sub tab. The data will still be displayed for the old timelog category which will be refreshed in 24 hours when the service is executed on the server.

Such time log requirement will be hidden from the student side until new log category has been selected for such requirements.

Note: Since the service will run every midnight on the server and fetch the time log details from SLL into Gateways, so, the deletion of log category as well as data for the newly selected timelog category will be reflected after every midnight in Gateways.


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