Student Learning & Licensure Release Notes for December 21, 2023

Ability to add time log requirements in Licensure plan

Administrator users will now be able to add Time Logs as a requirement in a licensure plan, so that the time students log at experiential learning placements can be counted towards requirements for hands-on or observational learning.

The ‘Add Requirement’ button in Licensure Plan will now display three options, and users can choose ‘Time Log’ as an option from this screen.

Clicking the ‘Time Log’ option will take the user to the requirement creation page where they can enter the title and description for the requirement. They can select ‘log category’ and ‘Set threshold’ for the requirement.

Clicking ‘Add Log Category’ button will open a right side panel displaying the list of available log categories created for the node with which the current user is associated. User can also use the search filter to search for any particular log category by its title. Only one log category can be selected per requirement.

Clicking the Next button will display the list of courses associated with the selected log category. Users can use the search filter to search for any particular course from the available list.

Users will get an error message if they do not select any course and click Add button.

They can select one or more courses from the available list and click “Add” to complete the step. The added log category along with associated course details will be displayed below the “Add Log Category” header

User can make changes by clicking the edit button. They can also delete the added log category by clicking the delete icon. Clicking delete will display a confirmation dialogue for the user.

Users can set the threshold by setting the minimum number of hours that must be completed for the requirement to be met. They will get an error message if they try to save the requirement without entering the threshold.

The requirement can be saved by filling the required fields. Hitting save will display the saved requirement on the licensure plan outline page.

Clicking ‘View details’ will display the details of the requirement in the right side panel.

View Timelog requirement in Cohort

Clicking the requirement will display the details of the log hour submissions by all the students in the cohort.

Clicking the student name will provide a detailed view of all the log entries submitted by the student along with the statuses. “Submission Status & Results” card will display the count for approved hours towards completion of requirement along with a bar chart for “Submitted Time Log Entries by Status”. The status for the student will be 100% completed as soon as student meets the set threshold.

Student can also view the timelog requirement for their respective licensure plan. The submission progress bar chart will display the count for the timelog requirements as “Conditionally Met” until the threshold is met. Once the threshold is met, the count will start displaying as “Met”.

Clicking the timelog requirement will open the detailed view of the requirement displaying the status of the requirement along with submission status and log entry details.

Change Requirement Type

Users will also be able to change the requirement type using the link “Change Requirement Type”. Clicking the link will display an alert saying-

Clicking “Change Requirement Type” button will navigate users to the select requirement type page again. They can choose the requirement type they wish to create. “Change Requirement Type” button will be hidden if ‘standard requirement’ type has received student submission. Requirement type cannot be changed for such requirements.

Note: A service will run every midnight on the server and will fetch the time log details from SLL into Gateways


Enable Administrator users to Extract Gateways Licensure Plan Documents

Administrators will now be able to extract licensure plan documents so that they can use the data to alert students of their needs or to report to accreditation agencies. We have enhanced the cohort view by introducing separate sub-tabs for ‘Cohort Overview’, ‘Licensure Plan’, and ‘Extract’ sub tab when cohort card is clicked.

Cohort Overview’ will be the only tab if the cohort is not associated with any Licensure Plan:-

Extracts sub-tab will not be displayed if there are no student submissions made yet.

Clicking the Cohort card which is connected to licensure plan and has received student submissions, will navigate the users to the Licensure Plan sub tab by default,

Clicking Extracts sub tab, will display the empty state view

Clicking “Extract Submissions” button will open a right side panel displaying the list of students enrolled in the cohort. Users can use the search filter to search for particular student. Pagination links will be displayed if there are more than 10 students.

Users will get a validation error if they click next button without selecting any student.

After selecting students, clicking Next button will display the Licensure Plan requirements. Only document based requirements will have a checkbox and can be extracted.

User can select the requirements and click “Extract” to start the extraction process. A snack bar will be displayed along with extraction detail in the table. “Extract Submission” button will be disabled until extraction process is completed.

The table will display the following column:-

  1. Creation Date: Date and time details when extract has been created.
  2. Students: Name of the students included in the extract. If more than 2 students are selected, it starts displaying “+1 More”. Clicking the link will display the complete details of the students and requirement included in the extract.
  3. Requirement Included : Name of the requirements included in the extract. If more than 3 requirements are selected or requirement name contains 50 characters, then it starts displaying “+1 More”. Clicking the link will display the complete details of the students and requirement included in the extract.

  4. Status:- there will be three status:-
    1. Creating Extract- When extraction is in progress.
    2. Completed- When extraction process is completed.
    3. Failed- When extract process fails due to network issue or any other glitch.
  5. Download- This column will display the following-
    1. Download button when extract process is complete.
    2. Try again link to re-initiate the failed extract process.

Extract Details

The completed extract can be downloaded using the download button. It will download a zip file with name of the Licensure Plan followed by the time stamp. The zip file will contain the following-

  1. CSV file- This file will have the details of the students and the requirement names along with the requirement status included in the extract.
  2. Folders with student name
    1. The folders will contain the documents uploaded for and by the student for the particular licensure plan.

Note: Users can create 50 extracts in total for a cohort. On creating the 51st extract, the oldest extract from the list be be deleted. The extract job will run after every half an hour on the server and complete the extracts in progress.


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