Why are tags missing or displayed incorrectly on a student record?

Reported Issue:

Student Tags are missing or displayed incorrectly on the UI


In order to figure out why a certain tag is missing or displayed incorrectly on the UI, the first thing to do is to check the tag information displayed in Tag Administration, including:

  1. Department app(s) - Associated Apps indicate whether or not a specific tag will display on the UI within a specific department app. If Departments Apps is not enabled in Institution Administration Features, then the default Advise App must always be selected.
  2. User roles - Permitted Roles indicate which users are allowed to view and use a specific tag based on their assigned user security roles displayed in People Administration.
  3. Type of tag that is missing - This indicates why the tag may be missing and how to check what data is missing.
  • Every tag must be associated with the department app(s) where it will display. If department apps are not used, then the default Advise app must be entered.
  • Every tag must also be associated with the permitted user roles that are allowed to view and use the specific tag.
      • It is not enough to assign permitted tag roles. In order to view and/or use a tag, each tag must also be available and assigned to the appropriate department app(s) assigned to the user's role(s) as seen in Roles Administration.
  • Click here to view more information about permitted roles and department assignments Tag Prerequisites.

In addition, the Tag Administration article found here explains the different types of tags that can be assigned to students in SS&E. From this article:

  • There are three types of tags that can be assigned to students and displayed within SS&E. These are:
    1. Automated tags
    2. Data-backed tags
    3. Manual tags.

For more information about SS&E tags, click here.

If the user role(s) and associated department apps are configured correctly, continue to check the following:

Automated Tags

In the case of missing automated tags, eg. tags that are associated with an automated tag filter, the reason that tags are missing is most likely that the automated tag filter conditions on the specified automated tag are not all fulfilled by the missing student(s).

  • In most cases, the reason that automated tag filter conditions are not fulfilled is that the underlying data is missing or not importing correctly from the SIS.
  • For SIS Integration troubleshooting steps, click here.

Data-Backed Tags

In the case of missing data-backed tags, the reason that tags are missing is usually that the data is importing as inactive or is not found in the Person Tag data extract and/or Person/Tag file(s).

  • Data-backed tags do NOT have any Automated Tag Filter selected, eg. Tag Administration shows that the Automated Tag Filter is set to "No Additional Filtering".
  • If the person tag record is found in the data extract, check for an import error. If error(s) are found, this must first be resolved in the underlying data. Click here for SIS Integration troubleshooting steps.

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Troubleshooting Steps

  1. From Tags Administration, search for the missing or "incorrect" tag.
  2. Click on the Tag Name to view the individual tag configuration settings that indicate the tag type.
      • If the Automated Tag Filter is populated then this is an Automated Tag.
      • If the Automated Tag Filter is EMPTY, the tag can either be a manually assigned tag or a data-backed tag imported on the Person Tag data feed via the SIS Import process.
  3. Verify that the Associated Apps and Permitted Roles are correct and allow all users to view the correct tags in the appropriate department app(s).
    • If Department Apps is not enabled in Institution Administration, the Advise app must be selected.
  4. Depending on the tag, search the relevant data feed(s) Imported Data View(s) to check the underlying student data (for automated tag filter fulfillment) and/or person tag related data.
      • To search for missing data-backed tags, search the Person Tag data feed/data extract by the Person Id and/or the Tag Source System Id.
      • If missing Person Tag data is found in the data extract, check for Person Tag data feed Import Errors that may explain why person tag records are not importing.
  5. To solve this:
      • If the person Id is missing, this needs to be resolved in the source (SIS) system.
      • If the tag Id is missing, this needs to be resolved by creating a tag record in SS&E Tag Administration with a matching source system Id.
      • If the person Id exists, and the tag Id exists, yet the person tag record is missing from the Person Tag data extract, this needs to be resolved in the data extract definitions. See step 5.
      • If the person tag record is found in the Person Tag data extract and is set to Active "False", that explains why the tag is not displaying on the UI. To fix this, update the data extract definitions so that the record imports with Active "True".
      • By design, an Inactive person tag record will not import into SS&E if the tag is not already displayed on the student profile. What this means is that the SIS Import process will not import an "expired/inactive" person tag record if there is no "active" record found.
  6. To check the data extract definitions, view the extract queries from the Person Tag Data Feed.
      • The logic that populates the data extract contents may be found in the Accelerate Configuration in adddition to Informer reports, Database views, or SQL queries.

Troubleshooting Missing Tag Examples

A tag with the Automated Tag Filter "Apply when a student has a hold from the specified list" is missing from the student record

If a tag is missing and the automated tag filter shows "Apply when a student has a hold from the specified list", the troubleshooting steps are:

  1. Identify which type of holds are listed in the tag administration settings.
  2. Check the Hold data feed imported data view to find the corresponding Hold Src System Id(s).
  3. Check the Person Hold data feed imported data view to find the Hold start and end dates.
    • Filter on the Hold Src System Id and the Person Id to view the Student Hold Start Date/End Date.
  4. In most cases, the reason this tag is missing is either that the person hold has not started or has already ended.
  5. Similarly, if a hold tag incorrectly appears on a student record, this usually means that there is no end date. If the Person Hold end date is null or empty, the record is active. Adding an end date should remove the hold tag.
  6. Another reason why this tag may be missing is that the targeted person is not a "student". By design, tags will not be assigned to non-students, eg. staff.

From the SIS Import Definitions article, searching for Person Hold shows the following data fields. The start date and end date determine when the student hold starts and ends.

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A Data-Backed Tag is missing from the student record

  1. From Tag Administration, identify the data backed tag Src System Id.
    • The Source System Id displays at the bottom of the tag record.
  2. From SIS Integration -> Datafeeds Administration, search the Person Tag Imported Data View, filtering on the student's Person Id and the tag Src System Id from step 1 to check if the person tag record is Inactive.
    • If the person tag record is inactive, that explains why it is missing from the UI. To fix this, the person tag record must import from the SIS with Active set to True in order to display on the UI.
  3. If searching the Person Tag Imported Data View finds that the tag itself is not found in the data view and/or is not associated with the Person Id being searched for, download the Person Tag data extract to search for the missing Person Tag record(s).
    • If the missing person tag data is found in the data extract with Active "False", that is why it is missing. To fix this, update the Person Tag data definitions to import the tag with Active "True".
    • If the missing person tag data is NOT found in the data extract, fix the Person Tag data extract definitions to include the missing data.
    • By design, SS&E will not import an inactive person tag record if the tag is not already displayed on the student profile. A person tag record with Active "False" will only import into SS&E if the person/tag Id has already imported sometime in the past with Active "True". The first time a person/tag imports successfully with Active "False", the system will set the expiration date on the person tag record and remove the tag from displaying on the UI.
    • For more information about data backed tag logic, click here.
    • For more information about SIS Import troubleshooting, click here.

From the SIS Import Definitions article, the Person Tag data feed imports the following data fields:

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