Once the integration has been set up, users in P&SS are able to align results in a measure.
- Users can select a course. These courses are the ones that the user has access to in their Canvas account (the credentials used for authorization).
- Only one course can be selected. IF you are a P&SS admin with an associated Canvas admin role, you are able to select any course within your Canvas instance.
- A list of all the courses within the user’s instance in canvas will be available in P&SS through the integration.
- Unpublished courses are also available in P&SS. Outcomes created in Canvas courses cannot be accessed through integration.
Users in P&SS can align results from Assignment type of assessment activity.
- Assessment activities are Assignments. Users can pull relevant assessment results as evidence. (Quizzes are not accessed through the integration).
- Unpublished assignments are also available in P&SS.
- A rubric needs to be associated with an assignment in Canvas for the assignment to be populated in the assignment dropdown.
- Assessment results are fetched through integration from Canvas based on the selections made in the rubric criterion.
Admin Assessment Results Collection
Follow the steps below when creating or updating a Measure for an Outcome in your Assessment:
- Navigate to Plans.
- Select a Plan from the list.
- Under Progress by Organization, select Program.
- For course type plan, select Course from the courses list.
- Add new outcome, or expand existing outcome card.
- Click on New Measure icon under outcome card.
- Click on Align Results to select how the results will be collected.
- Click on I want to collect results myself to collect results.
If your Canvas integration is successful, you will see Canvas under Source drop-down in Align Results flyout. Select Canvas as the source and click on Authorize Canvas.
Authorize Canvas with the correct credentials and click Next.
- Select Canvas course from the drop-down list.
- Select the assignment for the selected course.
- Results settings with 2 options will be listed.
- Select Use Overall Rubric Score results settings.
- Enter the Rubric Score Threshold value.
A score of entered value or above will be marked as met.
If Use Rubric criteria results is chosen, the rubric listed for that assignment will be listed.
- Select criterion for which results are expected.
- Click Next, Then select Performance Level for each criteria.
- Click on Align to find your selected values under Result Collection.
- Click on ADD button and click Yes, Manage Results Now button in pop-up window to manage results for this measure now.
Sending a Request to Faculty for Results Collection
- Click on I want to send a request to faculty to bring in results from a learning management system they have credentials to.
- Select a Course section to collect assignment results, which automatically selects the instructor(s) for that course section.
- Click on Submit Collection Request, to send request to instructor(s).
Instructor View
- Click on Input Results for Course section in the email received. (Email Notification)
- Click on Add Results, to add results from a learning management system.
- Select Canvas as source and click on Authorize Canvas. After successful Canvas integration, you can find Canvas under Source drop-down in Align Results flyout.
- Authorize canvas with correct credentials and click on Next button.
- Select Canvas Course from the drop-down list.
- Select Assignment for selected course.
- Results settings with 2 options will be listed.
- If Use Overall Rubric Score is chosen.
- Enter the Rubric Score Threshold value
- If Use Rubric criteria results is chosen, the rubric listed for that assignment will be listed.
o Select criterion for which results are expected
- Click Next, Then select Performance Level for each criteria
- Click on Add Results, to find the results.
- Results will appear on the next screen.