A couple commonly requested features are making their way to Reviews, Promotion and Tenure! First, a new "Download" button added to the Submissions page, allowing for bulk download. Second, we have added new options under Permissions and Submissions screen allowing you to delegate what view users should see.
New Features
Ability to Download Submissions in Bulk
A new “Download” button has been added to your Submissions page, enabling you to filter your submissions to the group that you want to download, and then download all of them and their associated files. The same download options exist - you can download either single files for online review, or you can download self-contained files for offline viewing.
Downloading Submission Contents
Flexible Permissions for the Submissions Tool
There are times when you need to be able to delegate follow-up on overdue submissions. Sometimes the people you delegate to shouldn’t be able to see the contents of those candidate's submissions. With the changes we’ve made to the Permissions and how it impacts the Submissions view, you can now configure if users should have a summary-only view of the Submissions table or a summary and detail view as well. Prior to this change, users delegated to a scope in Permissions would have summary and detail view of all submissions within their scope of access.
Permissions - Share Monitoring Tools with Other Users
Required Setting formatting for the Prior Submission Field
The formatting for the Prior Year Submissions field when configured as a required field has been updated to match other required fields.