If your institution has purchased the Market Landscape Data Pack, a set of widgets will be made available to Leads entering content into the Program Review module. Instructions on how to set up these widgets can be found below.
Setting up Insights
Before Leads and Administrators can view the labor market overview and competitive landscape widgets, they will need to set up the data by selecting the following items:
- the relevant program CIP Codes
- Peer Institutions
- Target Occupations.
In the Overview tab of the Program Review, users can select "Setup Insights" on the Competitive Landscape and Labor Market Insights card.
Selecting CIP Codes
What is a CIP Code?
The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is a taxonomy of academic programs developed by the US Department of Education. Colleges and universities across the country assign CIP codes to their academic programs. It’s a standard code for programs across all institutions.
To select the appropriate CIP Codes, users would click on "Select CIP Codes". A fly-out would then appear with the option to search for the Program CIP Codes. If users do not know the CIP Codes, they can search by the program name. Based on the search, a list of program CIP Codes will be available for selection.
Users can select up to 5 CIP Codes per program. The "View Selected" link, shown in the top-right of the screenshot above, will redirect to a screen where users can see all of the selected CIP Codes and de-select any unwanted codes.
Once selections are made, users must click "Apply."
Selecting Institutions
To select Peer Comparison institutions, users would click "Select Institution". A fly-out will open where users will have the option to search for institutions.
The list will include the name of the institution and a checkbox to select each one. Users can select up to 10 institutions for a program, and click "Apply" when finished.
To view selections, the "View Selected" link will produce a fly-out displaying all selected institutions, with the option to de-select any institutions that are no longer desired.
Selecting Occupations
To select occupations, click "Select Occupations". A list of occupations relevant to the CIP Codes that were selected previously will appear. Up to 5 occupations can be selected. The list will show the name of the occupation and the occupation code.
Users can also search for additional occupations in the search field, and would click "Apply" when finished.
After clicking Apply, users would be able to see the institutional details page where all selections made for CIP Codes, Peer Institutions, and Occupations will be listed. Users would then click "Launch" to initiate the Insights setup.
*Note: If any field is left empty, a validation message will appear asking to select at least one CIP Code, Peer Institution, or Occupation to in order to Launch the Insights.
Once the Insights are launched, the widgets below will be included in the Program Review module.
The Widgets and Their Data
Labor Market Overview
Presents data relevant to target occupations associated with CIP Codes
- Regional jobs in the target occupations, in aggregate and broken down by occupation
- Projected 5-year change in jobs, median earnings for target occupations, and number of openings, all broken down by occupation
Completions by Institution
Presents data relevant to the top 10 schools in state of institution or user selected list of peer comparison institutions, with trends for each institution)
Degree Completions
Growth YOY
Market Share
Tuition & Fees
Job Postings Regional Breakdown
Presents data relevant to the top counties in institution's region for unique job postings associated with target occupations.
Top counties and the number of unique postings for each county
Job Posting Intensity
Presents a ratio of total to unique job postings providing the intensity of demand for those jobs in a specified region associated with target occupations.
Number of unique job postings
Total job postings
Job posting intensity for the region
Regional Job Trends
Displays job trends for selected region as compared to national trends for the past two decades and a 5 year projection
Total number of jobs for the target occupations and the percentage change for every five years
Total number of jobs for target occupations and the percentage change for every five years at the national level
A five year projection change for both regional and national levels across the target occupations.
Regional Compensation Trends
A comparison of compensation trends for your region to national and adjusted cost of living trends.
See compensation trends for lowest, median, and highest earners.
Compare average local compensation to national average compensation in each category.
Compare average local compensation and national compensation to adjusted cost of living for each category.
Copying Lightcast Data into Program Review Narrative
The Lightcast widgets can be incorporated directly into the Program Review narrative. This allows contributors to easily provide labor market data as evidence of program viability and/or data-driven resource allocation.
If the institution has the Lightcast integration enabled and has completed the Insights set up, an icon labeled "View and Insert Insights" will become available in the Write Narrative side panel, allowing for seamless integration of widgets into the narrative.
Note: To setup Insights, please refer to the beginning of this article.
Clicking the "View all Insights" button opens a half flyout, enabling users to conveniently view all widgets one place.
Users can also view individual widgets and easily access labor market data at a glance.
They can also add this widget to the narrative from inside the fly-out by clicking Add to Narrative button to insert it at the cursor’s location. Adding widgets to the narrative is straightforward, with users simply clicking the Plus button next to a widget to insert it at the cursor's location.
In addition, there is another location inside the view individual widget flyout there is a button for add to narrative, which will allow the user to add the open widget to the narrative.
If a user decides to remove a widget that has previously been included in the narrative, they can simply be deleted via Backspace or Delete keys, just as if they were narrative text.