The Student Success & Engagement (SS&E) Leader Insights widget can be found by navigating to the Leader Insights dashboard, further explained here.
Upon entering the Insights area, you will see categories listed along the top of the page. Depending on the Watermark platforms that your institution is using, these may include "Institution", "Continuous Improvement", and/or "Students".
- Widgets displaying data specifically from Student Success & Engagement are located under the "Students" heading.
The Term Selector
In the upper-right of the "Students" dashboard, users will notice a Term drop-down. This will filter the data by students enrolled in the selected term, as well as any related key engagements that took place during that time frame.
The Term Overview Widget
The Term Overview widget displays the total student enrollment for the selected term. This will include all students who have registered for at least one course section in the selected term.
Enrollment (Students Unduplicated): A count of active enrollments for the selected term.
The Average Predicted Risk for Course Completion: The average predicted score that represents the risk of a student enrolled in any course in the selected term of not completing the course successfully. The higher the number, the better the result. In the above example, the average representing each student enrollment's likelihood of passing is 77%.
- To illustrate this, imagine that there are only 3 enrollments in the selected term, one of which has a 0% likelihood of completing, one of which has a 100% likelihood, and one of which has a 50% likelihood of completing. The average of these three enrollments together would be a 50% Average Predicted Risk for Course Completion. Naturally, the higher the percentage here, the better the likelihood of course completion.
The Average Predicted Risk for Term Persistence: The average predicted score that represents the risk of any student in the selected term of not persisting to the very next term.
- To learn more about SS&E Risk Indicators, click here.
Student Outreach: A count of students, from the total enrollments, who have received a Key Engagement in the selected term.
- Each "Key Engagement" is defined by the institution via their Student Success & Engagement configuration. Key engagements allow institutions to indicate which activities they consider to be most vital in order to ensure that students receive those key engagements that are most likely to help drive up retention.
- Key Engagements have assigned dates, hence engagements shown in this widget are the key engagement activities that fall within the selected term dates.
- To learn more about SS&E Key Engagements, click here.
The Course Completion Risk Summary and Engagement Widget
The Course Completion Risk Summary and Engagement widget answers these two essential questions:
- What is the proportion of students at risk in each risk category as it relates to course completion success?
- Where are we prioritizing our efforts/key engagement activities with students as it relates to their course completion risk level?
Course Completion Risk Summary: The proportion of students by risk category as it relates to course completion success.
- Students who are identified as high risk have a lower probability of successfully completing their courses this term.
- Students who are identified as low risk have a higher probability of successfully completing their courses this term.
Key Engagement Distribution by Risk Level: This visual represents the distribution of key engagements performed by institutional staff across the student populations identified by course completion risk level.
- How/Is the institution prioritizing its engagement with students who are at risk of not successfully completing their courses?
- Course completion risk indicators help institutions prioritize outreach and intervention strategies with students based on the immediate need for support during the selected term.
The Term Persistence Risk Summary and Engagement Widget
This Term Persistence Risk Summary and Engagement widget answers these two essential questions:
- What is the proportion of students at risk in each category as it relates to term persistence?
- Where are we prioritizing our efforts/key engagement activities with students as it relates to their term persistence risk level?
Term Persistence Risk Summary: The proportion of students by risk category as it relates to term persistence.
- Students who are identified as high risk have a lower probability of returning the next term.
- Students who are identified as low risk have a higher probability of returning the next term.
Key Engagement Distribution by Risk Level: This visual represents the distribution of key engagements performed by institutional staff across the student populations identified by term persistence risk level.
- How/Is the institution prioritizing engagement with students who are at risk of not enrolling the next term?
- Term Persistence risk indicators help institutions prioritize outreach and intervention strategies with students based on the immediate need for support during the selected term.