The Student Log allows an intern to record any tasks or events relevant to their internship. Mentors, supervisors and instructors can view this time log, and approve or reject the intern’s entries.
An internship’s time logs are viewed by clicking the Student Log tab on the internship details page. Alternatively, on the In Progress tab, an individual internship’s View Student Logs button will also open the Student Log tab.
NOTE: The Student Log feature is optional when administrators create internships. If there is no Student Log button or tab, the Student Log feature has not been enabled for the internship.
To view, approve, and reject time log entries:
1. On the In Progress tab, click an internship title. 2. Click the Student Logs tab to view any interns who have recorded log entries. 3. To view an intern’s time log entries, click on the intern’s name. 4. On the intern’s log entries list, click either the check mark to approve, or the X mark to reject.