2.7 Release Notes

Released: June 20th, 2016


The primary focus of this release was to permit more flexible alerting. Institutions can now create multiple instances of the same alert type, targeting specific use cases or student populations with unique alert configuration.  Moodle LMS support was also added.

Student Profile

  • Added tiff/tif file extension support for document saving via the Documents tab on the student profile.
  • The sender of an early alert is now clickable. Which clicked, a message can be sent to the alert creator.  See Appendix D.

Academic Planning

  • Began implementation of framework necessary for future academic plan screen enhancements. 

Alert Management (See Appendix A)

  • Alert instance creation.  An Administrator of Aviso can setup 1 to many instances of the same alert type but with differing configuration.  This permits institutions to have more targeted alerting to specific student populations based on course, tags, campus location and other filtering criteria.  Alert types that have this ability are:
    • On-ground Attendance
    • Current Grade
    • First Week Attendance
    • LMS Course Login (Online Access)
    • Off Plan
    • Overall GPA
    • Payment Reminder
    • Registration
    • Additional alert types will be added in a future release.
  • Alerts may be configured by role. Previously alerts were on/off whether they were going to staff. Now an alert can be more targeted to each staff role in Aviso.
  • Alerts may be setup to limit by tags, courses, course locations (campus) and other factors. This helps to permit institutions to create targeted alerts for specific scenarios.

Reports (Appendix B)

  • Each report’s visibility can now be setup by role. 
  • Reports now permit an advisor or coach to not be limited to viewing data only for students on their caseload.

Tags (Appendix C)

  • Tags may now be marked as hidden in the administrative screen. This permits institutions to track subpopulations of students by having a tag auto-applied as data flows into Aviso, but the tag will not be shown throughout the system on the student’s record. An institution can then request reporting for that subpopulation.  An example of when this feature can be used is when an institution wishes to perform a research study with one population being a Control group but another population being a Treatment group. The students can be tagged as such and staff interacting with the students will not know which group the student is a part of.

External Integrations

  • Development of Aviso Moodle Plugin to support data transfer from the Moodle LMS to Aviso. This includes grade, assignment submission, course access, and other data points.
  • LMS enrollments are now processed as they are pulled, rather than in bulk. 
  • Added more advanced monitoring to the connector for pulling of SIS data.
  • Ability to perform coach/student assignment from data received from the analytics team.
  • Ability to perform tag assignment from data received from the analytics team.


  • Ability to turn off Following through the Configuration screen in the Administrative section.
  • Ability to turn off Staff ability to adjust alert settings through Configuration screen in the Administrative section.
  • Fixed a bug whereby if a student had a student id with a lower case alpha character, the student id could not be searched.

Appendix A: Creating Alert Instances

A new link on the Administration screen of “Alert” can be seen below.  This is where an administrator can setup and configure alerts for the institution.

Clicking on the Alerts link shows all the alert instances that exist for the college.  Note that any alert settings that were in place prior to version 2.7 were retained and copied into this new format.  Below you can see the example of three First Week Attendance alerts targeting specific subpopulations; Early College, FITW Treatment, and general population.  

Below the Early College First Week Attendance alert is configured to only go to a student’s advisor or coach. It will filter Early College/Dual Enrollment students based upon the Early College tag.  No communication will be sent to the student when this alert is created.

Appendix B: Report Permissions

Each report may now be setup with permissions as to which roles can access it.  On the Administrative screen below notice the new link of “Reports”.

When clicking through to the report details, you now have the option to pick from the roles in the Aviso system. This will determine whether the report is shown to the user when they are logged in. If a user has access to no reports, the Reports menu of Aviso will not be shown.

Appendix C: Tag

A tag may now be made invisible. When invisible, it will not be shown throughout Aviso, however the Aviso API will return this data as well as Aviso staff may return this data in any requested reports by the institution.

Appendix D: Clickable Alert Creator

When an alert is received, the sender’s name is now clickable below the early alert text. Clicking on the sender’s name provides the ability to quickly send a message to the sender.


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