For institutions that wish to display tags in SS&E based on their own SIS or internal system information, SS&E Connect can import data-backed tags from multiple sources including a database table, database view, direct database queries or CSV file.
Before creating a data backed tag, we recommend checking is there are any pre-defined Automated Tag Filters that can be used to apply the desired tag based on data that is already importing into SS&E on other data feeds (not via Person Tag).
To summarize, data-backed tags are imported into SS&E on the Person Tag data feed via the SS&E Connect job scheduled task multiple times a day.
- As data-backed tags are imported on the Person Tag Data Feed, the source data must be managed in the SIS.
- By dedsign, inactive person tag records (where active = false) will not import if they have never been active/never displayed on the student profile in the past.
- To import data-backed tags, the Person Tag data feed must either be set up by SS&E Professional Services staff for a fee or with a subscription plan, or by the institutional technical staff as this requires finding the data source and extracting it from the SIS in a meaningful, consistent way.
- Sometimes, identifying where the data exists in the SIS and how to extract it in a meaningful manner to group, eg. tag, students in SS&E is the "hardest" part of this task.
- Once the tag source data is identified, then institutions can use the Support knowledge base for guidance and examples from person tag queries set up during implementation to create additional tags.
Import Process
- SS&E Connect will read from the data source during the SIS Data Import process, pulling in any new tag information to SS&E.
- There can be only ONE record for each specific person/tag.
Data-backed tags are assigned in SS&E based on the Person Tag data found in the Person Tag data extract.
- In order for data-backed tags to import successfully into SS&E they must match an existing person record found in SS&E and an existing tag record found in SS&E. Any additional logic is determined by the institution.
- If a person tag record is included in the Person Tag data extract with Active "False" and it has never imported in the past with Active "True", the person tag record will not import into SS&E.
- If a person tag record is Active "True" in the Person Tag data extract yet is missing from the student profile/filtered tag results, check for an Import Error preventing the data from importing into SS&E. For additional troubleshooting steps, click here.
Adding and Removing Data-Backed Tags
Data-backed tags are added and removed on the UI when the data is imported into SS&E. There is no separate/scheduled job that applies or removes data-backed tags from a student record.
- The only way a data-backed tag is assigned in SS&E is by the Person Tag data feed importing a valid Tag Id that is associated with a valid Person Id and a status of Active "True".
- The only way a data-backed tag is removed from displaying in SS&E is by the Person Tag data feed importing with Active "False". This sets the expiration date and removes the tag from the UI.
For example, if a Person Tag "active" field switches between true and false in the Person Tag data extract, the corresponding tag will be added and removed to the student record every time the Person Tag data feed imports into SS&E. Whatever happened last will display on the UI.
- If a person tag record imported in the past with Active "True" and was later removed from the Person Tag data extract, the tag will remain on the UI until it is imported again with Active "False".
- Removing the record from the data extract by the Person Tag data import definitions will not remove the person tag from the UI.
- If needed, the person tag record must be added back into the data extract and imported with Active "False" so that the tag will be removed from the student profile/UI.
- By design, SS&E will not import an "Inactive" tag that has never been active before.
- An "Inactive" tag is only imported when the system finds an active tag that can be expired.
- The system will only import a person tag record with Active "False" if there is an active tag displayed on the student profile.
For Person Tag Data Import Definitions, click here.
Data-Backed Tags Logic
While configuration varies for each institution, you can sometimes see data-backed tag "logic" in SS&E Administration on the Person Tag Accelerate Configuration.
However, in many cases, data-backed tag logic is "hidden" in table views which cannot be reached from within SS&E or seen by SS&E Support staff or Institution staff without accessing the institution's database server tables/views.
- If data-backed tags are not displayed properly in SS&E, this is most likely not an SS&E Support question since SS&E does not have any control over the contents of the Person Tag file. If the Person Tag data extract does not include the "correct" tag data, in most cases this must be resolved by the institution or with a Professional Services engagement. Customer with a support plan may utilize their plan to check the source data.
In any case, no matter where the Person Tag logic resides, all data-backed tags import into SS&E via Accelerate (unless an institution is still waiting on accelerate implementation).
Database Backed Table, View or Direct Query
For institutions using either a table, view, or direct queries to import Person Tag data, there are two data streams needed; Tag and Person Tag.
The Tag data provides the name of each tag, along with the identifier (source system id) of the tag record that is used to reference a tag from the Person Tag data.
The tag "name" is what displays in SS&E for the end-users, when permitted via user permissions. Often, institutions will dynamically generate Tag data based on SIS attributes that are added or found by a union of multiple database tables. New tags can also be added manually in SS&E Admin (See How to create a Tag for more information).
Column Name | Description | Datatype | Nullable |
id | ID value of the tag. This is a primary key that must be unique across all data in the table/view. This Id displays in Tag Administration as the Src System Id. | varchar(64) | No |
name | Human-readable name of the tag. This is the name displayed in SS&E for permitted end-users. | varchar(255) | No |
Person Tag
The Person Tag table or view includes detailed information about which tags are assigned to a student and when those tags are active/expire.
- For cases where the Person Tag table/view is filled by way of a union of tables in the source system, a strategy is to use the table name as part of the primary key generation.
- For example, if your data comes from a table named "CONTACT" your primary key representation could be "CONTACT_1" for the record with the primary key of "1" in your "CONTACT" table.
- In order to determine whether records are "Active - True/False", a case statement will often be used in the query, along with a left outer join to ensure that all people in the student selection are accounted for. This ensures that when data is no longer applicable to create a true scenario, the tag will be removed from the student's record in SS&E.
- If a tag is imported as inactive and never existed before, it will not import a record for that person.
- If Person Tag data imports with a Tag ID that does not already exist in SS&E Tag Administration and there is no matching "id" in the Tag data importing from the SIS, then the record will be rejected.
Column Name | Description | Datatype | Nullable |
id |
Primary key for the row. This id must be unique across all data in the table/view. |
varchar(128) | No |
personId | The personId (studentId) that is used to identify for whom this tag should be associated with. The personId must pre-exist in SS&E in order for a Person Tag to import into SS&E. | varchar(64) | No |
active |
Whether this record is currently active, or inactive. Valid values are "true" and "false" as a returned value. |
bit/boolean | No |
tagId | This is the tag identifier. SS&E will map this value either to Tag information pre-set in SS&E Tag Administration or by way of matching to an id in the Tag table/view above. | varchar(64) | No |
For institutions currently working on implementing Accelerate
- Upon creating a table or view, please provide the table/view name(s) to your SS&E Retention implementation consultant to configure SS&E Connect in order to pull data from this location.
- Once the first step is completed, SS&E will load new tag data multiple times per day.
For institutions using SS&E Accelerate
The Tag and PersonTag data stream queries can be modified directly within the Accelerate Configuration administrative screen - .avisoapp.com/aviso/connect2Configuration/index"https://.avisoapp.com/aviso/connect2Configuration/index.
- The table/view/query results/csv should/will contain a record for every student in the subpopulation imported into SS&E on every tag.
- For cases where the student should not have the tag, set active=false.
The following example query* can be used in SS&E Accelerate.
*Before use, modify the query to support the institutions local database tables, columns and format:
select 'ENTER_UNIQUE_ID' as id,
st.'ENTER_PERSON_ID_VALUE' as personId,
when t.ENTER_COLUMN_WITH_VALUE is not null
then 'true'
end as active,
'ENTER_TAG_ID' as tagId
from ({{{studentSelection}}}) st
left outer join TABLE_WITH_VALUE t on st.PIDM = t.PIDM
Supported CSV Formats
For institutions that wish to provide a Person Tag CSV file to assign tags in SS&E, there are multiple formats that are supported. The various formats can be found below.
- For a naming convention, please use the following: "person_tag_.csv"
- For example, if you are building a tag for veterans, the name of the file would be "person_tag_veteran.csv"
SS&E Connect will cross reference all records in the provided data file and generate a unique record for each person.
In addition, the CSV file must have a Person Tag record for every TagId, active or not, in order for the TagId to be considered for expiration.
- If a record in the supplied file or database view/table is found to match with a person, then that record's content will be used in the determination of whether to apply the tag, or not.
- For the above "expiration" logic to work, at least one record must exist in the person tag CSV file for each managed tag.
- If all person tag records are removed for a given tag, the expiration process will not take effect.
For Institutions using Informer
In general, implementing a specific data-backed tag in Informer will vary between each institution and each tag. For this reason, it is difficult to share "recommendations", since this can be different at every school and on every tag.
The following information is provided in case it may help, although it varies from school to school and therefore may not be relevant for your institution.
- When setting up the Informer schedule, on the export tab, un-check the box labelled "Show column headers" and export as UTF-8 in the bottom right of the export tab.
- The non-existence of a record in one of the above files leads SS&E to assuming that the tag is NOT to be applied. However, if that tag was previously applied, it will require active=false to remove the tag from that person.
Option 1 - Person Id
In this format, the configuration within SS&E will be updated to specify the tag name based on the name of the CSV file.
Column Position | Column Name | Description | Nullable |
1 | personId | The personId (studentId) that is used to identify for whom this tag should be associated with. | No |
Option 2 - Person Id and Tag Id
In this file format, any records in the file are assumed to have the tag applied.
Column Position | Column Name | Description | Nullable |
1 | personId | The personId (studentId) that is used to identify for whom this tag should be associated with. | No |
2 | tagId | This is the tag identifier. SS&E will map this value to the Tag information set in the administrative screens of SS&E. If there is no matching tag in SS&E, this value will be used to create the tag. The name of the tag will be consistent with this column. If the tag is defined in SS&E, then the Source System Id must be set to match this value. | No |
Option 3 - Person Id, Active, and Tag Id
Column Position | Column Name | Description | Nullable |
1 | personId | The personId (studentId) that is used to identify for whom this tag should be associated with. | No |
2 | active | Value must be "true" or "false". | No |
3 | tagId | This is the tag identifier. SS&E will map this value to the Tag information set in the administrative screens of SS&E. If there is no matching tag in SS&E, this value will be used to create the tag. The name of the tag will be consistent with this column. If the tag is defined in SS&E, then the Source System Id must be set to match this value. | No |
Option 4 - Person Id, Start Date, End Date, and Tag Id
Column Position | Column Name | Description | Nullable |
1 | personId | The personId (studentId) that is used to identify for whom this tag should be associated with. | No |
2 | startDate | The date the tag should first be applied. If using csv, the format should be YYYY-MM-SS HH:MM:SS. | No |
3 | endDate | The date the tag should no longer be applied. May be set to a future or past date and may also be null. If using csv, the format should be YYYY-MM-SS HH:MM:SS. | Yes |
4 | tagId | This is the tag identifier. SS&E will map this value to the Tag information set in the administrative screens of SS&E. If there is no matching tag in SS&E, this value will be used to create the tag. The name of the tag will be consistent with this column. If the tag is defined in SS&E, then the Source System Id must be set to match this value. | No |
"0012345","2018-01-01 00:00:00",,"VETERAN"
"0023456","2018-03-15 23:00:00",,"VETERAN"
"0034567","2018-03-01 00:00:00","2018-04-01 00:00:00","TRIO"