Roster View
As a faculty member, you will notice that we have now moved to a Term-Based Roster View. This will be very helpful to allow faculty to view their courses/course rosters by Term.
- In the past, courses were only shown during the course section meeting dates (1st day of class to last day of class).
- Faculty will now be able to select the Term from the past, present or future and view their associated courses with that term.
- For those institutions utilizing the Aviso Attendance module, the Term selector is available on the Attendance screen as well.
- As an Aviso Administrator, you will also be able to select the amount of days in which attendance can be tracked in Aviso after the end of the course.
Please find the following information and screenshots explaining the release:
Notice the term selector now is available on the Home screen for the Courses area. Click on Spring 2018 and a dropdown menu will appear to set the appropriate term to view the courses associated with that selected term.
For those institutions using the Attendance module, please notice the term selector on the Attendance page. This is available for faculty to select the appropriate term to see their associated courses with that term.
As an administrator, you can set the appropriate Attendance Lock Threshold to determine the length of days past the course section end date in which faculty may track attendance in the course. This can be found in the Administrative screens ---- Attendance ---- Configuration ---- Attendance Lock Threshold (days)
Recently, Registration Terms has been added to the Advanced Search filtering capabilities. Use past, current or future terms to see students who had course registrations in that particular term.
For those institutions using the Aviso Academic Planning module, additional updates have been made to allow for Students to do a What-if analysis on the Academic Plan Template. Students can choose an appropriate template and see how this impacts their academic pathway.
Aviso has also created additional capabilities to show three main institutional metrics. Soon, Course Completion rate, Persistence Rate and Retention Rate will be visible on the Home Screen.
- These metrics will be configurable and visible by role and we will work with each institution to make sure they are turned on appropriately.
- We recommend only configuring these metrics for Administrators to start off with and then can expand to other roles as appropriate.
- Currently, we are working to enable datafeeds for your institution to allow these metrics and will notify you when these metrics are available.
One last item, please note that report performance has been improved to run much quicker.
- Report results will show 100 rows visible per page.
- Please export to Excel to view the entire report results.