Automated Tag Filters are used to create tags that are applied by the system upon certain conditions.
The available Automated Tag Filter options can be seen in SS&E Administration > Tags >Tags by selecting + New in Tag Administration.
- Selecting the Automated Tag Filter dropdown will display all available automated tag filter options.
- While numerous Automated Tag Filter options exist, your institution's imported data determine which Automated Tag Filters may be used within Student Success & Engagement.
- For more information about Tag Administration Settings, click here.
- For instructions on creating Tags, click here.
- If the Tag Filter only applies to Students, the tag will only appear on records that have a Student person type, which is usually assigned by the Student role.
If you have any questions regarding which Tag Filters are executable for your institution, please reach out to your Client Success representative.
Automated Tag Filters List
The following Tag Filters are available as of January 1, 2023:
- No Additional Filtering - The tag is not getting assigned via an automated tag filter. For example, this appears on data-backed tags imported on the Person Tag data feed or on manual tags.
- Apply only when all current course sections are distance learning - The system applies this tag when all currently registered enrollments for a student are marked as distance course sections.
Apply when a student currently receives financial aid of the following award types from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more financial aid awards, in the current award year, of a specified award type.
- The current award year(s) is determined by the Academic Calendar data feed.
- All current Academic Calendar terms are determined by where the start date is less than equal to today, and the end date is greater than today.
- The academic year is pulled from every current term from step 1.
- The Financial Aid Award Year is used to select records from the Person Financial Aid Award data feed searching by award year(s) that match with the academic year(s) associated with a current term found in step 2.
- Next, Award types are used to find matching values within the Person Financial Aid Award data feed filtered by the award year(s) and award type(s).
- The current award year(s) is determined by the Academic Calendar data feed.
- Apply when a student has a hold from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has an active hold from the specified list of holds. Holds can be updated multiple times per day from your SIS into SS&E.
- Apply when a student has all current term enrollments in the selected statuses - The system applies this tag when all current term enrollments are within a specific status. This is useful for finding students who have dropped all their courses for a given term.
- Apply when a student has a primary program and has enrolled in specified courses with specified final grades - The system applies this tag when a student has a primary program from the specified list, has enrolled or is enrolled in a particular course, and has earned a final grade equivalent to the final grades selected as part of the filter configuration. This is useful if you wish to find students in a primary program of study who have completed specific parts of the curriculum with certain grade values.
- Apply when a student has a primary program and previously expired tags - The system applies this tag when a student has a specified primary program of study and previously had a tag applied to their record from the specified list.
- Apply when a student has a primary program, but has NOT enrolled in specified courses with specified final grades - The system applies this tag when a student has a primary program from the specified list and has NOT enrolled in particular course(s) with certain final grades. This is useful when you want to know a list of students who has not enrolled in specific courses within a program of study, or has enrolled but not met a minimum grade requirement of the program for those enrollments. Specifying the program is necessary for this filter. In addition, if the student retakes a class and achieves a different final grade, this filter will not be removed as long as the first class has a status of 'registered'.
- Apply when a student has a primary program from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has their primary program equivalent to any of the selected programs.
- Apply when a student has a primary program GPA and completed credit hours within the range specified - The system applies this tag when a student has a GPA for their primary program that falls within the specified range and the number of credit hours they have earned in the program is within the specified credit hour range.
- Apply when a student has a satisfactory academic progress from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has an active SAP status from the Satisfactory Academic Progress Id values used in the Person Financial Aid data feed.
- Apply when a student has a specific student type and has a primary program from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more active student types from the selected list and a primary program from the specified list.
- Apply when a student has a specific student type and is attending selected high schools - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more active student types from the selected list and is currently attending one or more of the selected high schools.
- Apply when a student has a specified gender and either a race or ethnicity match - The system applies this tag when a student has a specified gender (gender is required, and multiple genders can be selected), and their race or ethnicity matches one of the specified values. An example use case for this Tag Filter is that it may be used to identify students who are part of a Minority Male Initiative, as is the case with our North Carolina Community College System institutions.
- Apply when a student has a student type from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more active student types from the selected list.
- Apply when a student has the following primary programs and is registered for courses outside of the selected list in specified terms - The system applies this tag when a student has a primary program from the specified list and is registered for any course NOT in the specified list of courses and in the specified terms.
- Apply when a student is a Perkins CTE Concentrator - This tag filter specifies a combination of criteria (Program, Credit Hours, and Number of Days) typically required to determine whether a student is identified as part of a Perkins Grant as a Perkins CTE Concentrator. If a student has a primary program selected, and the total number of credit hours earned by the student meets or exceeds the required credit hour value within the last specified number of days, then the Tag will be applied.
- Apply when a student is attending or has attended selected high schools - The system applies this tag when a student is currently attending or has previously attended one or more of the selected high schools.
- Apply when a student is currently enrolled in a course from the specified list - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more currently registered enrollments in a course with a specified course code. Note that a course code is what is being selected for the automated filter, not a course. *If course codes are not unique, the course list may display differently in Edit and Non-Edit mode. The reason is that the system applies this tag by course code, not by course.
- Apply when a student is currently receiving financial aid in a specified status - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more of the specified financial aid award statuses.
- Apply when a student is currently registered for attempted credit hours within this range - The system applies this tag when a student is currently registered for a number of credit hours that falls within the specified range.
- Apply when a student is taking any course that is online - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more current registered enrollments where the course section is marked as being online.
- Apply when a student is taking any developmental courses - The system applies this tag when a student has one or more currently registered enrollments in a developmental course.
- Apply when a student's cumulative GPA falls with this range - The system applies this tag when a student has a cumulative GPA that is within a minimum and maximum specification. Both minimum and maximum values must be entered for this Tag Filter to function.
- Apply when a student's high school GPA falls within this range - The system applies this tag when a student's high school GPA is within the ranged specified. Note that both minimum and maximum GPA values are required for this filter to function.
- Expire this tag if a newer tag in the specified list exists - The tag you are currently on when selecting this filter will expire if a tag from the specified list was assigned to the student record after the original tag. When this automated tag filter is used, the tag you are currently on when selecting this filter will be automatically removed from the student record if a tag from the specified list is assigned to the student record after the original tag assignment. This logic provides a way to auto-expire a tag based on a later tag assignment (via any tag assignment method). The "new" tag must be applied to the student after the original tag so that the original tag is removed "automatically".
- Always automatically apply this tag - The system always automatically apply this tag.
- Never automatically apply this tag - The system will never automatically apply this tag.