This article provides updates about new features and bug fixes released for Watermark Student Success & Engagement in release 7.0 up until version 7.25.1 released on March 13. 2023.
7.25.1 - 3/13/2023
Bug Fixes:
- Performance improvements on the Caseload activity feed.
- This should especially speed up the activity feed load time for users with larger caseloads.
7.25.0 - 3/10/2023
Bug Fixes:
Fixes an error that occurred on drag and drop in an Archived Pipeline card view.
The system displayed an error when dragging and dropping opportunities in an archived pipeline and this should not be allowed.
To fix the error, drag and drop functionality was disabled on archived pipelines.
- Fixes an issue where assigning tags within a specific department app would sometimes unintentionally remove tags assigned from a different department app.
- Fixes an issue where some person types were unable to receive SMS text messages sent from within SS&E.
- Fixes an issue where "section" was not required on the course section data feed import even though it was marked as required on the Data Import Definitions spec.
- In the past, empty sections were unintentionally allowed to import into SS&E.
- With this change, sections with no value will not be allowed to import into SS&E on the SIS Import process.
7.24.0 - 2/10/2023
Bug Fixes:
- Remove decommissioned Assignment Grades and Assignment Submissions Batch Jobs.
- By design, Assignment Grades and Assignment Submissions data syncs on the Course Assignments tab. For more information about Assignment Data Synchronization, click here.
- Fixes an issue where the Person Imported Data View would sometimes not open when trying to view Person data from SIS Integration Administration.
7.23.0 - 2/3/2023
UI Enhancements
As part of Student Success and Engagement's continued integration plan with the Watermark Suite, a number of interfaces have been updated to use standard Watermark typography and colors.
Below are a few examples of where you will see the new colors and fonts being used. Additionally, "Formerly Aviso retention" labeling has been removed from the user interface.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where tag filter "Apply only when all current course sections are distance learning" is not applying any student tags.
7.22.0 - 1/24/2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where pipelines without a filter were being removed from the displayed list of pipelines when sorting by pipeline filter.
Fixes an issue where an action could potentially apply to a deleted prospect.
- Fixes an issue where key engagement widgets showed "No options" when trying to filter by teams.
- Fixes an error that would sometimes occur when filtering on a specific application inclusion/exclusion and program/degree inclusion/exclusion.
- Bulk edit assignee “Opportunities” list field now displays values sorted alphabetically by last name.
- All edit assignee "Assignee" fields now display values sorted alphabetically by last name.
- Update help text on the Edit Meeting screen.
- Change "Send an updated invitation to the student" to "Create a meeting in your integrated work calendar and send an invitation to the student".
7.21.0 - 1/13/2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue that could have caused duplicate person records to import during the Prospects CSV import process.
Updated the pipeline details tab filter from "subject name" to "name" of the opportunity.
Update create/edit piepline and stage screens with new fields/help text to help user navigation.
Adds help text to Pipeline ending stage and stage type fields.
- Adds help text to Pipeline Details "Entry Person Type" in Pipelines Administration.
7.20.2 - 1/5/2023
- Adds a messaging service to Twilio to help prevent messages from being marked as spam.
Bug Fixes
Fixes an issuethat prevented curriculums from displaying on the student profile program tab.
Fixes an issue where the SIS Import is sometimes stopping at the subscription data feed.
7.19.5 - 1/4/2023
Bug Fixes
Fixes an issue where the Person Application Datafeed View “start_academic_term_id” displayed incorrect information.
In the Person Application Datafeed View, renamed “start_academic_term_id” to “start_academic_calendar_id”.
- Fixes an issue where the “Load More” button on a student page caused the Activity Feed to switch to Caseload.
Fixes an issue that prevented meetings from being scheduled with a student who is enrolled in an appointment campaign.
7.19.0 - 12/30/2022
Recruitment & Enrollment Activities Enhancements
The following features allow institutions to track recruitment and enrollment activities via Pipelines and Opportunities.
Upon Release, everything will look the same on the UI with the exception of Opportunity Sources added to SS&E Administration items.
In addition, if Prospect person types are being used, upon release, there are new action items that allow permitted users to delete a prospect or merge a duplicate prospect record with another prospect, student, or applicant person type.
- In order to access pipeline features, these must be enabled from within Departmental Apps Administration and Person Type Administration.
- In order to use and/or view pipeline features, including pipeline administration, permission must first be assigned in Roles Administration.
- Pipelines, Departmental Apps and Import Processes/Prospect Uploading are add-on features to the core SS&E subscription. To enable these features or to learn more about them, please reach out to your Client Success representative.
- When enabled, the following enhancements only affect staff and do not affect the Student experience.
Pipelines and Opportunities
- Pipelines are multi-stage funnels that track opportunities as they move through a process.
- For example, a process that tracks students from the prospect stage to enrollment.
- By design, each Pipeline is associated with one departmental app and one person type.
- For more information about Pipelines, Pipeline Stages, and Opportunities, click here.
- For more information about Pipeline Administration and UI Changes, click here.
- For a detailed overview about how to create or edit pipelines, click here.
- For more information about how to use pipelines, click here.
- For a quick summary of how to get started and create a new pipeline, click here.
Pipeline Reporting
- Pipeline Reporting is available through built-In pipeline analytics that provide insight into the "yield" of each pipeline process.
- For more information about pipeline reporting, click here.
Prospect Merging
- With the introduction of manual prospect entry and prospect bulk uploads, the likelihood of finding duplicate person records within SS&E has increased.
- To help address this, prospect person type records can either be deleted or merged with an existing prospect, applicant, or student person type record.
- For a quick overview about the different prospect upload methods, click here.
- For more information about prospect merging, click here.
7.18.1 - 12/20/2022
Bug Fixes
Performance improvements to activity feeds on Person Type filters. Activity feeds on filters are now limited to events within the last 90 days.
7.18.0 - 12/16/2022
Bug Fixes
Increased performance on the Student Alerts widget for alert coordinators.
- Updates some field names displayed in the SIS Integration Datafeeds Administration Person Application Data View to better match the SIS Import Definitions.
status_src_system_id -> person_application_status_src_system_id
status -> person_application_status
student_load_id -> student_load_intent_id
student_type_id -> application_student_type_id
7.17.0 - 11/18/2022
Bug Fixes
- Replaces the program column of the North Carolina Community College System Attendance report with the primary degree program specified on the Transcript data feed.
- Adds a 'W' to the financial aid indicator column on the North Carolina Attendance Report representing when a student has a withdrawn status in a specific course.
- Fixes an issue in campaigns where message events that occur at the exact same time may block other events.
7.16.0 - 11/3/2022
Bug Fixes
- The following changes were made to the North Carolina Community College System Attendance Report Export:
- Report tabs display in alphabetical order by course code/section.
- Report results include N or S in the NA/SA column.
- Course Section Source System ID and Course Section Name appear in the header information.
- Fixes the following issues on the Financial Aid and Attendance Report Source:
- Adds Course Code to the report source.
- Fixes an error filtering on Veteran Type “is not empty”.
- Fixes the Veteran Type filter prompt save.
- Fixes the Institution Registration Status filter value save.
- Fixes inaccurate Financial Aid Indicator values included in results.
- Fixes an error ocurring on Verified Grade character values.
- Fixes an error on the "Financial Aid Indicators is all of” filter.
7.15.0 - 10/28/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where student filter statistics did not always populate on existing filters.
- Fixes an issue where prospect high school start and end dates were un-editable.
- Fixes an issue where sent messages would not log when checked to log messages and sent from the no-reply system person.
Fixes an issue in Academic Plans where searching for courses with a '&' would not return correct results.
- Fixes an issue that prevented some Test Scores from importing on the Test Score data stream.
7.14.2 - 10/25/2022
Feature Enhancement - North Carolina Community College System Attendance Report
- Adds a new built-in Attendance report for North Carolina Community College System Attendance.
- Online Assignments counted as attendance will not display on the report.
- This report is run in the background and users are sent a link to downloaded the report to Excel from Reporting Administration when the report is ready.
- For additional information about running the report, viewing the report results, setting permissions, and more screenshots, click here.
- North Carolina System Attendance Report Criteria:
- Term - Only one term may be selected
- Census Date range
- Registration Status - All statuses or one status may be selected
- North Carolina Community College System Attendance Report results display under Report Results Administration where users assigned a permitted role can download the report to Excel.
7.14.0 - 10/21/2022
Adds imported status and status dates to import processes in Imports Administration.
Feature Enhancement - Financial Aid Attendance Datafeeds
The following new and updated data feeds can optionally import financial aid attendance data:
- Person Term Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Indicator
- Person Financial Aid Indicator
- Institution Transcript Course Status
- Transcript Course
For more detailed information, scroll to the datafeed import definitions found here.
Feature Enhancement - "Financal Aid and Attendance" Report Source
- Adds a new report source for Financial Aid and Attendance Reporting.
- Permitted roles must be added in Report Sources Administration for users to view and use the new report source.
Feature Enhancement - Holidays Administration
- When Attendance Tracking is enabled within SS&E, Administrators can now enter holidays that disable attendance tracking on course meetings that fall on holiday dates.
- For more information about Holidays Administration, click here.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where attempting to mark attendance for many students within SS&E would cause an error, instead of skipping over students that are not eligible to have their attendance tracked.
- Removes the IP Address column from the Login Activity Report Source. You will be able to see the IP Address field displayed in any existing saved reports, however, after deleting it from a report and re-saving the report, this will no longer be listed as an available field and cannot be added back.
7.13.0 - 10/14/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where messages could not be logged to prospect person types.
- Fixes an issue where adding an individual prospect did not require the State field to be populated in the prospect's address. This will ensure that a complete prospect address is manually entered.
7.12.1 - 10/10/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an accessibility issue where the term selector on a student’s profile would not announce what was currently selected to a screen reader.
7.12.0 - 10/7/2022
Bug Fixes
- Moves the Census Date to display on the Courses Page UI in the upper right corner of a course section (when imported from the SIS on the Course Section data feed).
7.11.0 - 9/30/2022
Feature Enhancement - Never/Stopped Attending Attendance UI Changes
Never Attended and Stopped Attending indicators are additions to the Attendance UI used for financial aid, veteran compliance and audit reporting.
- Never Attended/Stopped Attending indicators are managed by instructors on individual course sections and are used by the institution for internal auditing and compliance reporting.
- Never Attended/Stopped Attending indicators can only be used by institutions with Attendance Tracking enabled within SS&E.
- By default, Never/Stopped Attending is disabled in Attendance Configuration. Please reach out to your Client Success Manager to enable this new functionality.
- For more detailed information, please see here.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where search results would disappear after selecting a message from the user's SS&E Messaging Inbox or Sent mailbox.
- Fixes an issue where the Course Section Delivery Method Imported Data View results in an Error 500.
7.10.2 - 9/30/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where the load more button on the Student Alert widget was only loading one additional alert and would then disappear.
- Fixes an issue where term persistence filtering uses rank instead of the success score group.
Fix an issue where, if department-level apps are turned on, student person types that are also assigned a staff person type do not appear in the Student Person Type Caseload.
Mobile App Bug Fixes
Mobile app fixes are included in the Watermark Student App upon approval by the Apple/Android App Store.
- Fixes how messages sent by campaigns display within the mobile app.
7.10.0 - 9/23/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where meetings would not set the correct meeting log info (eg. who and at what time modified/created a meeting weren’t saved).
- Fixes an issue that would prevent the Orientation Complete No Registration Alert from running correctly.
- Fixes an issue where duplicate users would show up in the Person Datafeed if they were assigned multiple roles.
- The Person Datafeed View now displays the people’s Person Type as the name rather than an ID to match the Person Type name(s) imported from the SIS.
- Fixes an issue where the Student Filter Analytics tab failed to update and did not display any data.
- Fixes an issue where the App Switcher was not accessible from the Resources app.
- Improve performance during screen transition.
- Improve performance on the Student Alert widget.
- Fixes an issue where the same achievement would show up multiple time in achievement reports.
- Fixes an issue where at the most 50 reports would show on the report builder list view by increasing the initial load to 300 reports.
- Fixes an issue where "Needs Attendance" displayed on the Course Roster if there are additional course section meetings occurring later on in the same day.
7.9.0 - 9/16/2022
- Adds the Note Type to the Bulk Notes API.
Feature Enhancement - Person High School and Person Application
- Application and High School Student Filter Grouping and Scope Changes.
- For more information about changes to the Student Filter Application and High School categories, click here.
- Person Application and Person High School Student Filter and UI Changes.
- With the release of 7.0.0, data feeds were added that are now connected to the UI and display on Application and High School Student Filters and Student information. For more information, click here.
In order to view/report on the new Application and High School information, this requires that either Watermark Professional Services staff or institutional staff first setup the new data feeds/fields used for importing this data via the SIS Import process. Institutions with a support plan may utilize their plan to assist with these changes.
7.8.0 - 9/2/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where the automated system tag “Apply when a student has a hold from the specified list” would fail when no holds are specified in the list.
- Adds identifiers beside the user name so that when tasks are assigned, the selected people can be distinguished by their name and affiliated institution person ID.
- Adds help text that appears when editing alerts in Alert Administration to help clarify Staff Initiated Alert security settings.
Security Roles determine which roles can view staff initiated alerts for any active unrestricted alert reason.
Allow creator of alert to customize who is notified of this alert when it is created determines if alert recipients can be modified when creating a staff initiated alert.
Always allow the creator of this alert to view and manage staff initiated alerts they create, regardless of this Alert's Roles and any view restrictions configured on Alert Reasons determines if the staff initiated alert creator can view/manage alerts they create, even if their role is not listed in Security Roles or if the alert reason view is restricted.
- Reasons security settings determine which staff initiated alerts are available for staff users to create and/or view.
- Unrestricted alert reasons can be created by all yet can only be viewed by roles listed in Security Roles.
- Restricted alerts determine which roles can create and/or view a specific alert reason.
7.7.0 - 8/26/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where deleted alerts and achievements would still appear in Role Administration as included in the Role Usage count.
- Fixes an issue where creating or editing a team would open on a blank page.
- Fixes an issue where an error message would not display upon unsuccessfully connecting with Gmail in User Settings for logging Gmail messages in SS&E via Email Integration.
- Fixes an issue where viewing the data for the Person High School data feed in Admin displayed an error.
- Adds an email field missing from the prospect editing form.
- Fixes an issue where deleted person phone records were included in reporting.
- Fixes an issue where duplicate assignments sometimes displayed in the Student Courses tab.
- Fixes a case where meeting scheduler would not retrieve free/busy times for EWS OAuth 2.0.
Mobile App Bug Fixes
- Fixes the Course Schedule displayed in the mobile app (this will be released as soon as the mobile app release is approved).
7.6.1 - 8/23/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue causing academic plans to not load from the primary navigation bar Plans page.
7.6.0 - 8/19/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where the Watermark logo would sometimes shift on small screens.
- Fixes an issue where after adding a person type through People Administration, students were duplicated in the global search results.
7.5.2 - 8/17/2022
Bug Fixes
- Adds a date to CSV Import titles to distinguish between similarly-named imports.
- Fixes an issue where depending on how the instructors data imports from the SIS the assignFollowersByFollowRules job would sometimes fail.
- Fixes an issue where the student's Success Team and Calendar data would not load on the mobile app for some users.
- Fixes an issue where the navigation bar would not display correctly on small mobile devices.
7.5.1 - 8/16/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where surveys from Survey Monkey would not sync properly if any questions had an answer with over 2500 characters.
- Adds the Person ID next to peoples names in the Team Member selection dropdown.
- Updates the help text describing Person Import and Ancillary Role types in Role Administration.
Import RoleThis field only applies when importing roles through the SIS using function/group name instead of the Integration Id. If using function/group names, this role will be assigned by SIS if it's function name is used.
Ancillary RoleThis field only applies when importing roles through the SIS using function/group name instead of the Integration Id. If using function/group names, this role will not be assigned by SIS, and can only be assigned manually.
Mobile App Bug Fixes
- Adds a screen reader label to the watermark logo.
- Fixes an issue where the header would wrap on small mobile devices.
7.5.0 - 8/12/2022
Aviso Student Renaming to Watermark Student
- Watermark Student has been released to replace "Aviso Student" both on iOS/Apple devices and Android devices (searching for "Aviso Student" will find "Watermark Student" in the app/play store).
Bug Fixes
- In the student profile messages tab people dropdown, changes "Logger" to “Logged by Person”.
- Fixes an issue where registration reminder alerts would not send.
- Fixes an issue where coaches were not getting assigned when creating or editing an advisor coach mapping.
- Changes the help text describing the Default SMS Phone Type in SMS Configuration to "If the recipient of an SMS message does not have any SMS Enabled phone numbers, the message will be sent to a SMS Default phone number whose type matches the Default SMS Phone Type. If none are found, the message will fallback to being sent as an email."
7.4.2 - 8/9/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue preventing csv import of prospects.
- Fixes an issue where the secondary navigation in Imports Administration displayed behind the content.
- Fixes an issue preventing manager function roles from accessing the Administration page.
7.4.1 - 8/8/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where the user setting for meeting lead time does not save properly.
- Fixes an issue that hid the sidebar on the user settings page.
- Fixes an issue where the header would not display properly on small mobile devices.
- Fixes an issue where some daily digests may not have been sent correctly.
7.4.0 - 8/5/2022
Aviso Retention Renaming to Watermark Student Success & Engagement
- To view pre-release notes, click here.
- To view FAQs about the name change, click here.
- To view the In-product UI changes, click here.
- To access downloadable image files that display the name change, click here.
Bug Fixes
- Adds a configuration setting for the "number of days ago" to check for absences when determining eligibility for Attendance Alerts. This configuration prevents 'bad' data from sending 'bad' alerts; so that historically old alerts do not fire in error. For more information, click here.
- Fixes an issue where meeting locations without service delivery locations would appear as the default location when creating a new meeting using the meeting scheduler.
- Fixes an issue where inactive campus locations can be selected in the student filter.
- Fixes an issue where deleted roles appear in the People Administration Bulk Action dropdowns.
- Fixes an issue where resource guide content would not display with the proper format selections.
- Fixes an issue where the Adjunct Faculty role cannot be removed from a person record in People Administration.
7.3.1 - 8/2/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where a role based on the External API function could not be added to a user.
- Fixes an issue where selecting help on a report source was redirecting users back to the report dashboard.
7.3.0 - 7/29/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where Email Type could not be selected in Application Receipt Administration.
- Fixes an issue in Relationships Administration - Follow By Tag Rules where the Person ID searches on the the Person Source System ID instead of the Person Institution ID.
7.2.2 - 7/27/2022
Bug Fixes
- Optimizes performance to speed up the backend job that applies tags by automated tag filters.
- Fixes an issue where the student programs tab displays an error for users that are not assigned an Administrator or Manager role.
7.2.0 - 7/22/2022
Feature Enhancement - Curriculums and Areas Of Study
- Adds student filters, data feeds, and reporting based on additional academic information representing curriculums and areas of study imported from the SIS.
- Moves Degree Program information from the Profile tab to the Student's Programs tab.
- Adds a Curriculum and Program History section to the Student Programs tab.
- For more detailed information, please see here.
Utilizing curriculums, majors, minors, concentrations, and/or specializations requires that either Watermark Professional Services staff or institutional staff setup new data feeds for importing the curriculum and areas of study data via the SIS Import process. Institutions with a support plan may utilize their plan to assist with these changes.
Bug Fixes
- Removes the “On Plan” badge from the academic plan screen so that a a badge will only display when an academic plan is “Off Plan”.
7.1.3 - 7/21/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes text alignment on the Departmental App administration page.
- Fixes an issue where a security role could not be added to a person from a Person Administration User Detail page.
- Fixes an issue where a new role could not be created in Role administration.
7.1.2 - 7/20/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where the global search bar did not return results consistently until clicking elsewhere to begin searching.
- Fixes an issue where task notification email links would open on a blank screen.
7.1.1 - 7/18/2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where only administrators could select high schools in the student filter.
- Fixes an issue with Aviso Next that prevents new students from signing up.
- Fixes an issue preventing editing of scheduled messages.
7.1.0 - 7/15/2022
Bug Fixes
Recruitment & Enrollment Activities (7.0 Release) Bug Fixes
Adds a refresh button to the import administration screen.
- Department apps are now assigned by role instead of via People Administration Bulk Actions. By default, each user will have access to all department apps available on all security roles assigned to their person record. For more information, see here.
- Reset system-assigned person types based on roles to ensure that Person Types accurately and consistently reflect each user's assigned security roles.
- The system assigns the Student person type when there is not a match with any role imported on the SIS Import.
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where surveys could not be taken on a student profile from within a staff view.
- Fixes an issue to prevent old scheduled messages from sending out via Retry Messages job. Adds a configuration setting that disables the Retry Messages job by default at all institutions.
- Fixes an issue where alert reasons were not populating correctly for Staff Initiated Alerts in the Activity feed filter.
- Fixes an issue where the Following icon would not display on a student in the filtered student list when the logged in user is following a student and the student’s program name was too long.
- Fixes an issue where the selected tab did not remain focused when switching between student records.
7.0.8 - 7/12/2022
Bug Fixes
Fixes an issue where contact searching was not working properly in the Student mobile app.
7.0.7 - 7/11/2022
Bug Fixes
Fixes a bug where Person High School records were not importing properly.
7.0.5 - 7/8/2022
- The 7.0.0 enhancements have been rolled out to all institutions.
For more detailed information, please refer to the 7.0.0 Release Guide found here.
7.0.0 - 6/30/2022
General Enhancements
- User Profile Settings (accessed from the logged-in user's profile photo drop down menu) now have separate menus for General App settings and Instruct settings.
- General Settings apply to all Department Apps with the exception of the Instruct App. These include: Caseload, Daily Digest, Calendar Meetings, Email Integration (for the Gmail Message Logging feature), Meeting Request Locations, Automatic Following (based on location).
- Instruct Settings include settings for an Instructor's Caseload and Instructor Events.
Recruitment & Enrollment Activities Recruitment & Enrollment Activity Enhancements
As part of the 7.0.0 release we have overhauled the Staff View pages with exciting new features that create a new way of displaying person records. Major changes allow:
- Different Staff Views for different groups of people based on their person type, such as Staff and Students.
- Different Staff Views based on a staff person's core job duties (eg. Department), such as Advise, Admin or Recruit, accessible from the "Department App Switcher".
Upon release, these features have been rolled out to a number of institutions and they will be phased into all additional environments over the next two weeks.
The new features include Department Apps*, Person Types, Import Processes*, and Manual Prospect Entry.
*Department Apps and Import Processes are Add-On Features that display on the Features tab in Institution Administration.
Upon release, there will be no change to the pre-release functionality.
- All Staff Users will be assigned the Advise App by default.
- All Administrators will be assigned the Admin App by default.
- All users (staff, faculty, and students) will display on the Student Page by default.
Department Apps
Department Apps (eg. Apps) create a separate workspace based on a staff user's primaty duties. Department Apps include: Advise, Instruct, and Recruit. For more information, see here.
- Department Apps, Admin and Resources are all accessed from the new App Switcher (grid icon).
- Only users assigned the Administrator role will have access to the Admin app/Administrator page.
- Messages and Reports did not disappear! They were moved to the top right of the menu bar and display as icons to the left of the Logged-In User Profile photo.
- Messages are accessed by clicking on the Email icon.
- Reports are accessed by clicking on the Report icon.
- By moving the Messages and Reports from the main navigation bar to the top right they will be accessible in every Department App by default.
- Upon release, all users will be assigned to one App, the Advise App, and all functionality should be the same as it was pre-release.
- Users that have multiple department apps will see a Welcome screen with an optional "Start Screen Image" set in Institution Administration Configuration.
- Department Apps must be enabled and a user must have more than one department app in order for the start screen to display.
- Users that are assigned only one department app will not see the start screen.
- Acceptable image types are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, and .gif.
- We do not have required dimensions for the image, since it will automatically be cropped accordingly. However, for the best experience, we recommend that it should be at least 2500 pixels wide and less than 800kb in size. Larger images are allowed, but they may take longer to load and display.
Person Types
Person Types group different people together based on their type so that each group can be viewed with a seperate Staff View based on Person Type settings.
Person Types include: Applicant, Faculty, Prospect, Staff, and Student. For more information, see here.
Import Processes
Import Processes allow institutions to import prospect related data via CSV files as this is most likely not being imported from the SIS.
Imports include: Addresses, Person to High School Relationships, Phone Numbers, Prospects, Veteran Statuses. For more information, see here.
Manual Prospect Entry
When Import Processes is enabled in Features Administration, in addition to allowing imports via CSV, Manual Prospect Entry is added which allow institutions to manually enter and edit prospective students from the Prospects Person Type Page. For more information, see here.
To add Department Apps and/or Import Processes to your institution's Aviso Enterprise product suite, or for more information, please reach out to your client success representative.
For more detailed information, please refer to the 7.0.0 Release Guide found here.